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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 20:50:38 -0500
text/plain (90 lines)
>>Fact or opinion?
>Based on what?  Medical studies from the same establishment that continues
>to lie to us about nutrition even though it's killing people, all in the
>name of profit?

No. Based on observation of brain-dead human clutter I know that worship
dope. I have seen their mental skills degrade.

>I have seen no real world evidence that it has that
>effect except during use, and I've known plenty of people who indulged

May be you partake as well and have deteriorated as well and are not in a
position to judge impartially. eh?

>until you can
>introduce me to someone whose truly been brain-damaged by marijuana, I'm
>not buying it.

please dont believe me. Keep smoking. Be my guest. Its your brain. Im not
out to persuade anyone to get control over their lives & emotions and be
happy and fulfilled who doesnt want to. Keep using external means to change
your state.

Heard of people who's lives were destroyed by heroin or
>cocaine, but I've never heard of anyone whose life was destroyed by pot

I did _not_ say "life destroyed". May be my standards of functioning are
too high for most. I keep getting _better_, and I am not content to stay
merely/barely "functioning".

>And if you think that's
>bull, do a little research on hemp.  It's amazing what can be done with it,
>and we're hardly using it at all.

That statement tells volumes about you and your beliefs.

>They are unnecessary to you, but they are a large part of many primitive
>peoples' histories.

yes, they are. I agree.
Look, drugs have their use, and if your wernt so gung-ho on defending
_your_ drug you would have understood my post. The point is to maximize
benefits and minimize detriments. If a persons goal is to forget their
meaningless life--then dope gives you far more benifits than detriments and
IS a good drug choice. But then again, so was the hammer.

>I would personally enjoy the opportunity to try
>something else, but in America you've got to be pretty damn creative.
> Everything is illegal.  And try not to be so judgemental about how much
>control people have over themselves, it's shrill and rude.

I can make such statements because I happen to know what Im talking about.
Im not saying pot is *morally* wrong. Im saying that its ignorant(and Im
using the dictionary-definition of ignorant here) to use them to accomplish
what could be better accomplished by other more productive means--means
that put YOU, not the DRUG, in control of your state.

>Personally, I
>can't whip up a buzz off the top of my head, and I don't know anyone who

I know _you_ cant/dont-->thats why you use external means. No offense, but
that is sad to me(honestly). Look at most people: They work at a job they
dont like all week, then use the weekend to try and forget how unhappy they
are. Then monday comes and they repeat the cycle. They want fulfillment in
their life and waste their life looking for something outside without
working on the inside. They will _never_ find what they are looking for
doing that.
You think that is growth? That is a dead end, and most people are trapped
in it. Im sorry that you are too.

Life is more than 'whip up a buzz' anyway. You wont find what youre looking
for/whats missing in your life in a 'buzz'.

Robert <:^I

PS- if you reply to this, please do so privately--Im sure most list
participants would appreciate it.