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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9711C 1715 39 39_Summary: Weight Loss and Celiac Disease11_Susan [log in to unmask], 19 Nov there are medical
differnces between allergy and intolerance, the necessary diet changes are
the same.. Since I am feeling so much better after a few weeks,GF, I feel
confirmed in my decision. Lately the most dramatic change has been my
sleeing--instead of sleeping 10 hours and waking up exhausted, I am sleeping
6 or 7 and waking up revved and ready to go. [...]38_30Jun199700:08:[log in to unmask] 9706E 342 36 23_Re: Wheat Starch O.K.??15_David J [log in to unmask], 30 Jun 1997 10:53:36 +0100559_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

At least one other European country uses purified wheat
starch as part of their GF - Denmark. A company named
Finaks produces 1 kg packs of flours which we buy when over
there because they are so much better than the flours we
can get in the UK. We haven't researched much further than
this (no need really) but we're over visiting the family in
July/August and we'll make a point of looking further into
the whole scene there again. [...]49_30Jun199710:53:[log in to unmask] 9706E 379 59 20_Re: Beginning School12_Karen [log in to unmask], 30 Jun 1997 07:29:11 -0600696_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My celiac son has been attending special needs pre-school for speech therapy
for 2 years and is now "graduating" to kindergarten. He is the right age to
start kindergarten although his speech still needs some extra work.

When he started school I arranged a meeting with the teachers and aides and
brought a pamphlet from the Canadian Celiac Association dedicated directly
towards teachers with celiac children in their class. I also brought in
another handbook detailing celiac disease. The teacher was very thorough
and read the books and also photocopied [...]53_30Jun199707:29:[log in to unmask] 9706E 439 23 14_Sovex Rice Moo10_C. [log in to unmask], 27 Jun 1997 16:42:13 +0000641_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but Sovex brand of
Rice Moo is a gluten free and soy free milk alternative. I wrote to
the Sovex Foods company directly (P.O. Box 2178, Collegedale, TN
37315-2178) and received this reply:

"I am pleased to provide you with the information you requested. The
Rice Moo Beverage Mix is a great tasting beverage that is cholesterol
free and fat free. It is completely animal free with no soy
derivatives. Rice Moo is also gluten free...If I may be of further
[...]44_27Jun199716:42:[log in to unmask] 9706E 463 17 25_GF over-the-counter med's10_Erin [log in to unmask], 30 Jun 1997 09:55:21 CST620_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This winter I had a bad flu that got worse every time I took
medication -- I was taking Benelyn (sp?). This cough syrup was full
of grain alcohol, making me sicker than I needed to be. My
pharmacist looked through his "big book of drugs" and noticed that
almost all the Tylenol products were listed under Gluten Free drugs.
N.B. There may be a difference in processing between Canada & US, so
check with your own pharmacist. But the Tylenol Flu caplets worked
like a charm for me. [.
Sun, 29 Jun 1997 23:57:20 -0400
text/plain (9 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks for all the responses about our son's gluten challenge. After
forwarding Dr. Murray's excerpt on the gluten challenge to her, she has
agreed to go ahead and have his anti body levels tested this week which will
be three months exactly.  If anti bodies are elevated she has agreed to do
the biopsy.  If not we will wait until the end of the summer. I will keep you
all posted,thanks for your support.