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"John C. Pavao" <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 21 May 1997 10:46:19 -0400
text/plain (29 lines)
Um, no matter how you slice it, the Bible (and who's version are we talking
about anyway?) is a subjective translation from an ancient language that is
no longer even spoken.  So getting into the wording of sentences has got to
be an exercise in futility.  It's highly doubtful that these translations
are true to what the original text meant as written when written.  How
could it possibly be translated from an unused language without also being
interpreted?  It's an interesting read in spots, but to me, that's about

John Pavao

First off, I should remark that I know a number of Orthodox and Ultra
Orthodox Jews who would find it easier to adopt a paleodiet than many of
the people on this list.
That said,  I am not implying that the Bible mandates anything for
anybody on this list (beyond myself).  I merely feel that if you want to
use the Bible for backup, you have to take the whole parcel, and the
whole parcel is definitely agricultural-friendly.
And the curse BTW was only on Adam, and which merely turned agriculture
labor intensive--not "you are cursed to farm" but "you are cursed that,
when you farm, it will be extremely hard--harder than before."
On to other topics.

  Jeffrey Smith       [log in to unmask]
O voi ch'avete li 'ntelletti sani/mirate la dottrina che s'asconde/sotto
'l velame de li versi strani [O you of sound thought, see the doctrine
which hides under the veil of strange verses]--Dante, Inferno, Canto IX