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Tue, 27 May 1997 16:47:07 EDT
"David D." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First, I want to thank all of you who responded to my inquiry regarding bone
pain.  I hope you all had a pleasant holiday!

I received a number of similar responses mainly pointing out similar points.
Further I got the information I needed to help me make a decision I was trying
to make... whether to see the doctor or not!

The majority of the responses were from those who had bone/joint pain and
problems.  Some indicated that it was from gluten ingestion.   Others indicated
bone density problems such as osteoporosis.  Increasing dietary calcium was a
recommended suggestion, and I might add, since I did that, the pain has improved
quite a bit so I will continue to do that.  I forgot to mention that I did have
some bone density loss (mid-70 to mid-80s percent... I'm 36) and that would
coincide with the above.

I am *assuming* that it is quite possible/probable for bones that have lost
density to cause pain if they have pressure put on them for an extended period
(like low back when standing too long), even if there have not been any
"fractures" as yet, and hopefully, wont.

There was a suggestion regarding possibility of Chron's, which certainly could
make sense, as well, and certainly hasn't been ruled out.  I did have a
physician once tell me that someone couldn't have both Chron's and Celiac
disease at the same time.  I don't know if this doctor was right or not.  Maybe
someone else knows this.

Most of all, thanks for helping me make the decision to go have it more
thoroughly checked out.  So far, increased dietary calcium does seem to help.

Thanks for your help!
