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Hazel and Ray Green <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-free list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 12:54:45 -0800
text/plain (39 lines)
> Please read books by Dr. John McDougall, M.D. and and those by John
> Robbins of Baskin and Robins fame.
> Also Dr. Hulse  (but I'm not sure of that entire name).
> You asked where did I get my inforamtion why people should not drink cows
> milk.
> If everthing I say is going to be questioned I will resing from this
> list!
> Maggie
I don't understand why people really have to question other peoples
sources unless it pertains to a food that you will ingest and you have
the question as to where or not it could kill you. I have a daughter
that is anaphylactic to milk in all forms - we don't know which part and
personally it really doesn't matter. She is anaphylactic to milk and
that's all there is to it. I just fail to understand why everyone always
says you should drink milk and then I read what is written on this list
and also I have read it other places. The more I read the more I am
leading towards not giving any of my children milk. I have 2 others that
are not allergic. When do you decide whether or not to give them milk. I
am torn between the two issues. These days when I think about milk, I am
more prone to not serve it. My younger son won't drink milk because his
older allergic sister doesn't. I don't push the issue - after all we are
not cows?? Years ago we did not drink as much milk or take any
supplements but now-a-days we are living longer but there are also more
allergies. Maybe the allergies were around then but no one had a clue
what they really were and they called them something else? I would be
interested to see what other people have to say about what I have
written - I don't really care about your sources - just your opinions
and experiences.
Hazel Green
"It only takes one Bite!!"