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Thu, 20 Nov 1997 19:56:13 -0500
Robin and Doug Schantz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmembers:

Thanks so much for all of your responses to my questions on the problems
that may occur with CD and pregnancy.  I got at least 20 different
responses and many personal experiences, which I really appreciated.

The general feeling from most of the group was that I shouldn't have too
much to worry about, other than sticking to a GF diet and staying
healthy, when considering getting pregnant again.  Several people
suggested that I have my blood levels checked more often for any signs
of malabsorption.  Just about everyone suggested that I be very careful
to take vitamins (making sure they are uncoated or otherwise GF) and
that I should be increasing my intake of B vitamins, magnesium, and
calcium.  TwinLab Allergy Multi Caps and Stuartnatal Tab Plus were two
vitamins reccommended and are GF.

One person suggested that I have the baby's cord blood checked for HLA
type so that I'll know if the baby has CD.

No one seemed to think that a lack of gluten would be harmful to the
baby (before or after birth).  I think we're all living examples of

Several women noted that due to the GF diet, comfort foods were harder
to come by when those cravings hit (and I think it's hard to live with
the pizza cravings now...just wait until I'm pregnant!!).

No one seemed to experience an increased sensitivity to gluten or any
unusual reactions that they hadn't experienced when they were not

Thanks, again, everyone!  Hopefully the next time I post a question it
will be to see if anyone has any good GF snack recipes for those 3 a.m.
cravings I had when I was pregnant the last two times.

Robin in Indiana