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Sun, 14 Sep 1997 10:54:34 EDT
DEBRA R TAYLOR <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here is the summary for my question regarding increased appetite:

10 personal responses, 2 to the list, appearing in the 08/29 digest - I
will not summarize those, only the personal responses.

1 - same problem, please post responses

1 - opposite problem, grossly underweight, eats a lot, can not add
pounds, also candidias, please post responses

1 - MD said this is normal because with undiagnosed cd you are actually
starving yourself, after 3 months the appetite did subside, after a 30
pound weight gain.  Mostly craving peanuts and red meat - MD said this is
also normal because of an increased need for protein

1 - helps if you add a little fat, i.e. sour cream, cheese or ice cream,
since some gf foods are lower in fat than what they used to eat

1 - psychological effects are 2 fold.  At first would eat nothing because
didn't know what would make her sick.  Once diagnosed, ate tons of what
was ok as a way of celebrating.  Also issue of deprivation, overindulging
in safe foods.  Also, eating out is scary and don't always know what you
can or when you can eat when away from home, so would store up at home as
a survival instinct

1 - increased appetite lasted 7 to 9 months with a 50 pound weight
increase.  Felt needed extra food to do repair work on intestines, went
to Weight Watchers, stayed on program with lots of modifications and
rotating starches.  Now has lost 11 pounds and on Weight Watchers and

4 - try Bette Hagman's third cookbook and begin an exercise program

Thanks for all your responses.  It helped my husband quite a bit to know
he is not alone in this eating frenzy.   We're not doing anything
differently just yet, just sticking to the diet, and I am encouraging him
to increase his activity.  He's still not over the fatigue, so that will
come slowly.