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Hazel Green <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Aug 1997 16:56:42 -0400
text/plain (54 lines)
Rita Doppenberg wrote:
> >From: Rita Doppenberg <[log in to unmask]>
> >
> >
>  Hello everyone,
>  Just wanted to throw something out there for your opinion. What do you all
> think about feeding your milk allergic infant a hypoallergenic Infant
> formula such as "Enfalac Nutramigen". I used this formula upon the advice of
> my allergist. Zack took very well to it and only stopped drinking it about 8
> months ago. There are many milk allergic adults who drink this instead of
> milk. It contains milk protein (casein) but it has been broken down and
> virtually made harmless.

I don't agree with this formula being harmless for the milk allergic. I
too am from Canada and my daughter is anaphylactic to milk protein and
this was one of the formulas that I was warned to stay away from. Even
thought the casein is broken down it is still there...I have yet to find
anyone in the dairy industry that has been able to guarrantee me when
milk protein is actually broken down. It could give repeated exposure to
the actually allergen over a period of time therefore actually making
the allergen worse. I have always been taught that strict avoidance is
the only possible way of ever outgrowing a milk allergy and even then
you probably won't. And it doesn't necessarily run in families because
no one and I mean no one has food allergies in our families.

I was always very skeptical of this because I
> believed in strict avoidance but Zack was never ill once while on it. It is
> however very expensive to buy. I would recommend this to any mother of a
> milk allergic child BUT I would like to know if anyone knows more about
> this, as I always wondered if in some way it actually contributed to making
> Zacks problem much more severe than it would have been. If any of you know
> anything about this please let me know.

I myself used Nursoy is soy based and I had no problems
with it. Some say that because you eat alot of soy that you then can
become allergic to the soy but we have not run into that problem.
>  If it is a safe alternative that would be absolutely great. I dont know
> about the US but Canada has a program through the hospitals that if this
> formula is necessary you can get it free from them if you cannot afford to
> buy it. As I said it comes highly recommended for Milk Protein Allergies for
> infants AND adults (if you can survive the taste). Let me know if you have
> any knowledge or experience with this. Thanks

As an adult Calais provides calcium and it costs less.

Hazel Green
> Keep the Faith ;-)
> Rita