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Wed, 12 Feb 1997 20:59:08 -0600
text/plain (31 lines)
Max Desorgher wrote:
> Dr Twogood wrote:
> > We can argue semantics all day, the cow steak, the falling tree, etc.
> > That's all very cute, but kids with recurring ear infections, sinus
> > problems, learning disorders, growing pains, etc..
> I'd like to know some of the facts behind all of this, like how
> exactly does milk lead to ear infections? Is there a causal link that
> can be seen and proved? I suffered from continual ear complaints
> until I cut out all dairy last year. What's the connection?
> Max
I'd be interested too.  My daughter suffered from chronic ear
infections, one right after another when she was young.  If I had a
nickle for all the amoxicillian I bought, we'd be rich!  I finally had
her tonsils out  when she was 12....and that seemed to help, but she
still has problems, and she's now 20 years old!  By the way, is it
possible to build up a tolerance to antibiotics?  Seems to me, they
never touched her after awhile.
Kathy Hartman
[log in to unmask]
Cooper:  Nuetered Male, White,brindle ears, brindle eye patch, natural
ears, 60 lbs.