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Sun, 13 Jul 1997 12:02:30 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The original post on the subject was from Leslie saying- don't keep CD a
secret- spread the word.

I added a friend believed he had outgrown CD.  That friend is quite short and
has been treated for depression for many years.  I told him CD doesn't go
away and if he had it then, he has it for life.

I received emails addressing several topics

someone quoted Dr. Alessio Fasano:
In Europe, reports have been published which state that up
to 20% of short stature is due to celiac disease.

My celiac friend was diagnosed in her mid 30s. She
just had her 10 yr. old daughter tested. She had NO symptoms at all, but
they were concerned about her short stature. Her blood test came back
positive. They then did a biopsy - guess what? Positive! (blunted villi)

I found your comments very interesting, I found this list while helping
my wife research her condition (IBS).   I too was diagnosed with CD as an
infant.  My parents had told me about "The Special Diet" I was on.  But
by the age of four or five I had "grown out of it" and then my parents
put me on an "normal human diet".   Since then I (seem) to be healthy;
I'm 5'8", a normal height; 230lbs ok, so I'm a bit round; fairly active,
I ride a bike about 20-30 miles a week.   The odd thing is that after
thirty years of eating a "normal" diet, I have no symptoms of CD.  Fine
go ahead and say I'm in denial.

There are many people out there who think they outgrew a childhood

It's so sad when people have been misled about outgrowing celiac. They
say it with such confidence too!

When I was 1 1/2 years old, I was very sick and close to death. The doctor
my mom feed me bananas til they came out of my ears. Finally, I grew out
of it. From 1976 to present I was anemic never knowing why, even seeing
many doctors. In 1990, I had an operation and personal family problems.
The doctor claims this is what "brought out" the celiac disease again.
(diarrhea/constipation, weight loss, worse anemia and fatigue)

In 1976, Dr. Richard Mackarness published his book "NOT ALL IN THE MIND"
through Thorsons of Hammersmith, London, and San Francisco. He repeatedly
demonstrates that food allergies, especially in gluten allergies or
intolerance, behavioural and psychiatric symptoms are common.

Cooke & Holmes, in their book, "COELIAC DISEASE" published by Churchill
Livingstone, New York, 1984, they repeatedly cite depressive illness as
THE MOST COMMON symptom of gluten intolerance. They also cite a study
that demonstrated that newly diagnosed celiacs recover from their
depressions much more quickly when their diets are supplemented with
vitamin B6. Of course, malabsorption of fat soluble vitamins is legion in
gluten intolerance, but all vitamin absorption is a problem. The jejunal
microvilli are damaged such that they do not absorb fats (and therefore
fat soluble vitamins) very well, but B6, B12, and folic acid deficiencies
that virtually always accompany gluten intolerance, are all involved in

Dr Kozlowska, in her article "Evaluation of Mental Status of Children
with Malabsorption Syndrome After Long-Term Treatment" published in
"PSYCHIATRIA POLSKA" 25/2 Mar/Apr. 1991, identified fully 71% of the
children they studied as having psychiatric disturbances.

Do not be misled. Because fats can be made from other foods, the
malabsorption associated with gluten intolerance need not suggest an
underweight condition in our calorie rich diets.

Lots of people felt it important to spread the word -- most people have never
heard of CD, many of those who have are missinformed!!

Alameda, CA