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Print Reply
Sun, 15 Mar 1998 22:36:34 EST
Jane5011 <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Many thanks to all of you who wrote about your experiences with vertigo - the
prompt response was amazing - there were more than 20 replies.  Here is the

1.  Could be Myasthenia Gravis - this respondent experiences increase of
symptoms with accidental digestion of gluten
2.  See a neurologist for electro testing.  Could be vitamin deficiency, b12,
A, E, C
3.  Another has Meniere's disease as well as CD.  Causes ringing is ears,
vertigo related to fluid in the ear.  Her condition is exacerbated when enough
protein not eaten, which causes edema
4. Is it vertigo or small seizures?
5.  Vertigo totally alleviated by B12 LOZENGES
6.  Have hair analysis to determine which vitamins and minerals lacking
7.  Symtoms of vertigo initially worse after going GF, then disappeared after
a year
8.  Someone experiences legs getting heavy, and sense of gravity being off -
relates it to gluten ingestion
9.  Postural hypotension, decreased with time on the diet
10.Eat salt
11. Many people suggested Multi Vitamins,  and B  vitamins
12. Low blood pressure, common amongst celiacs can cause dizziness
13.  One celiac had thought it was stress, as has increased since going GF
14.  Associated with fluid retention, eating no salt, drinking tea, coffee
15.  Vit B12 and folate deficiency, but get levels checked first, taking folic
acid with low B12 can mess things up.  Could also be an intolerance to
something else like soy
16.  Calcium deposits in the ear
17.  Earwax build up

In reading all these responses it seems that the problem could be caused by
many factors and that further time being GF may well help, then follow up with
knowledgable MD.  Thanks to you again - I phoned Kari on Friday to let her
know of the reponses and she was most grateful!