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Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List


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Hazel and Ray Green <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 13:40:20 -0700
text/plain (30 lines)
Linda Murray wrote:
> The company that makes Dari-Free also makes Sno*E Tofu, a non-dairy product
> that contains sodium caseinate. Is this the ingredient in dairy products that
> causes all the trouble? Is this product non-dairy if it contains sodium
> caseinate?  Thanks in advance for any info.
> -Linda Murray

YES, sodium caseinate is MILK PROTEIN!! This is another prime example as
to why we cannot go on the assumption that non-dairy means dairy-free.
Read everything before you buy or eat it. I always read in the store and
then again at home to make sure that I don't miss anything. These
non-dairy products should never be listed as non-dairy and maybe we
should just write to these companies to let them know what their SO
CALLED NON-DAIRY products could do to us and our children.

>From what I understand Sodium caseinate(casein) is only safe for the
lactose intollerant to consume, at least it is for me. But not the
allergic. There is a big difference between the two.

Hazel Green
"It Only Takes One Bite"

P.S. Does anyone have any info on electronically cleaning dairy lines
and electronically checking them for dairy? Dari-free is run on a dairy
line but they claim it to be safe. They say it meets ISO9002 standards
which are the highest standards. I need more info. on this before I even
think about giving it to my child. Thanks