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Print Reply
Fri, 22 Aug 1997 06:55:43 -0400
Jim Lyles <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I'd like to pass on a response to one of our subscribers from Harshad
Parekh <[log in to unmask]> of Tamarind Tree, in regards to the
question recently raised about canola oil in their products.

Incidentally, those wishing to take advantage of their special offer
(two dinners for just the cost of shipping, $5) need to specify their
choices in the feedback section of their web page.  The offer
is only available to celiacs, so their web page doesn't mention the
special offer.  Just go to the General Comments area on the feedback
page, indicate that you are a celiac wishing to try their
two free dinners, and then indicate which dinners you want.  (Go to
<http://www.tamtree.com>)  Then mail a $5 check to them (the address
is on the order form).  There is a limit of one per customer/address,
and the offer ends in October 1997.

Anyway, here is Tamarind Tree's response regarding canola oil:

>Dear Chris,
>Thanks for your following posting. We have been selling our products to
>celiac community in small way since last 4 years. Since our 2 free
>dinners offering we have sold to many new customers. We have also send
>samples to several celiac support groups for tasting and opinion. So far
>we have not received any complaint. We would like to know from anybody
>who experienced problems due to canola oil in our product line.
>We are very much commited for the celiac communiti's needs and trying to
>introduce 32 more GF products and will try to avoid canola oil. Can
>anybody suggest which is the best oil for celiac consumers, which is also
>healthy such as olive oil, canola oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil etc?
>With best regards,
>Harshad Parekh

Send your oil recommendations, or any comments/questions you have, to:

   <[log in to unmask]>

Jim Lyles ........ <[log in to unmask]> ........ Holly, Michigan, USA