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Fri, 10 Jan 1997 08:46:07 -0800
Nancy Newlin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Well, folks, the votes are in about using the KitchenAid with its optional
grain mill attachment as an alternative to purchasing a standalone grain
mill.  And the results are:  KitchenAid = NO.  See the two responses I
received from folks who have this combination and what results they've had,
and one from a person \ who has a Kitchen Aid for baking and the recommended
food mill for milling.


- - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the kitchen-aid with food mill.  It is fine as a mixer,
grater, and pasta maker.  It is usless as a grain mill.

Kathy Coughlin
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 I have the smaller model Kitchenaid mixer.  I bought the
grain mill attachment to make rice flour but it comes out very
grainy-almost like cream of rice cereal. I tried running it through
several times, but never came up with a small enough
grind for my taste.  I would suggest buying the machine
recommended by CSA/USA instead.  (I haven't bought one
yet but I plan to when I get back to the US.)  By the way, I
love the mixer itself, just not using the grain mill for rice.
I also tried tapioca, which gummed up the mill.

Jamie Harvey
- - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - -
I highly recommend a kitchen aid mixer for your baking needs, but I
imagine the grinder would nicely spread flour throughout your house. I
also have a mill (like advertised in CSA's Lifeline) and I absolutely
love it. The flour lands inside the closed container. I can buy cheap
rice at Costco and make flour any time I want.

soaked in Modesto, Calif.