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Da Kitty Kat <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Oct 1997 23:42:21 -0600
text/plain (37 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

        I am very frustrated and hope someone here can give me a few ideas.
I'm 22 and was diagnosed when I was 2 years old. I don't know if I was
given a biopsy then or not. The doctors told my mother that I'd "probably
grow out of it by age 6." (I do know now that this is very wrong) I quit
following the diet when I was about 12 with no visable  problems until I
was nineteen and suddenly got really sick. Since then I have followed the
diet very strictly( this reduces the bone and abdominal pain, but I have
continued to have terrible symptoms (bone pain, weakness, tired all the time,
abdominal pain, and memory loss)
        Memory loss is the most recent problem, I'll be driving somewhere I've
been a milion times and suddenly not be able to remember where I am or
where I going. I've been forgetting other daily things too. I usually
remember again after a few minutes, but this is scary!
        I've been to several doctors. One told me I didn't Have CD because I'm
overweight. One perscribed Proziac and left, He wasn't even in the office
with me for 5 min., etc etc. I was so sick  of these doctors not even
trying  that I gave up until a friend reccommended the Doctor I'm seeing
now. He was at least reasonable, though he only had information from 1972
and before. First I had a biopsy (without eating the
gluten first) which came back normal. Then i had bloodwork drawn for all
sorts of things, all of which came back normal. Now I've had a bone
Density test that just came back normal. So now I am a perfectly healthy
normal 22 year old who can't walk without extreme pain, is tired all the
time etc. etc. The new recomendation is that if I lose weight and take
anti-depressants, I'll be all better. In the meantime he recommended that
I take 6 (yes that's six) extra-strength tylenol every four hours for
        I wonder if perhaps I don't have CD but something else, even if
that's so I'll stay GF because I wouldn't be able to function at all
without it. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do? The
memory-loss thing is the most frightening.
