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Fri, 28 Feb 1997 10:40:03 -0500
Bobbie Proctor <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Gayle Kennedy posted a request asking whether I have continued to eat

Well,  yes and no. I sort of took a couple days off when I felt so
ill, and had only the gluten that  resides in stamp & envelope glue
(which reminds me, I want to get self-stick ones) and home-made soup
one night that included tasty commercially packaged potato dumplings
that had wheat flour way down on the list. Yesterday, not even that
much, my starch of the evening was one of my favorites, boiled
unskinned new potatoes with parsley (I tossed 'em in butter, but
olive oil is very tasty too). I'm feeling much better and got a
couple of nights uninterrupted sleep, too.

But today I had a piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast, and plan
to put soy sauce and other condiments of questionable provenance
(packets from our last Chinese carry-out) on my veggie sushi for
lunch. So I'm trying to tough it out and still pushing my liquids.
Some posting or website that I read said that two pieces of bread a
day provide a sufficient gluten challenge, so I hope that's right. My
GI dr did warn me not to go out and eat a whole loaf of bread at once.
No danger of that!

By the way, I did get several responses (thanks, and I will thank you
all personally too) to the question of Gatorade:
most recommended it as helpful, and one post warned that not all
flavors are GF, esp. lemon-lime, so it looks like another case of
taking your chances. I found the Gatorade helpful at the time,
although a coworker brought me a bottle of orange flavor, which I
would normally have avoided, as I have had a problem with citrus
fruits since childhood (that should sound familiar to some, based on
your posts) as does my daughter. But the little bit of flavor appears
to have done no harm.

By the way, regardless of the outcome of the biopsy, I am definitely
going GF afterwards. I plan to ask for the blood work to be done if
the biopsy is negative and my daughter is planning on the blood work
in any case, although she is asymptomatic now .

Bobbi in Baltimore   [log in to unmask]