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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9702D 4455 43 12_saliva & add22_Judy C. Hettena [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 1997 06:33:06 -0500627_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi all,

I've had several postings asking about my "saliva test" so I'll give you
the scoop and ask a few questions of my own:

In March, 95 I had what's called an ASI test by Diagnos-Techs lab at the
request of both my naturopath and my traditional doctor. This test is for
DHEA/CORTISOL levels, and mine were out of balance. In January, 96, they
ordered a second test, but this time, they also asked the lab to check for
"ANTI-GLIADIN SIgA" and the test came back positive. They said [...]50_28Feb199706:33:[log in to unmask] 9702D 4499 15 15_gf kosher foods22_Judy C. Hettena [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 1997 06:34:19 -0500356_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

One last question....

I wrote to the GF Kosher food company in Flushing, NY for a product list
and haven't received a response. Does anyone know if they are still in
business or have a contact name? I'd like to reach them before Passover. [...]50_28Feb199706:34:[log in to unmask] 9702D 4515 12 11_Quick [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 1997 09:56:48 -0500495_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Try a quick bread. That is a category of bread usually a banana bread or
other fruit bread that uses baking powder or baking soda for rising rather
than yeast. Bette Hagman has some recipes in her books for them, I think.
They are easier to make at home than yeast bread. Also GF mixes are
available for these breads and muffins, e.g. from Gluten Free Pantry in
Connecticut. Amy E.37_28Feb199709:56:[log in to unmask] 9702D 4528 22 31_Summary on "Infinity2 products"[log in to unmask], 28 Feb 1997 08:14:02 -0500388_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

A month ago I posted to the list about the use of "Digest a meal." I'm sorry
to say that no one on the list knows anything more about the "Infinity2"
product but there are folks out there who use digestive aids (but not as an
excuse to neglect the diet). [...]37_28Feb199708:14:[log in to unmask] 9702D 4551 33 19_Gardening questions13_Todd [log in to unmask], 28 Feb 1997 08:53:20 EST688_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Last year I was fortunate to be able to travel to Switzerland, and took
along the French "waiter information" (the card you hand the waiter that
explains the foods you can and cannot eat) from the book "Against the
Grain." While there I asked someone fluent in many languages to verify
the content of the translation and there were many giggles . . . it
appears that one of the phrases was translated to "I cannot eat
agricultural fertilizer
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 15:31:39 -0500
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello, all,

I guess that I'm one of the (few?) people left who believes that a President
of the United States is entitled some privacy and respect for his medical
status as anyone else.  As long as his alleged allergies, food sensitivities,
immune status, etc. don't constitute a potential threat to national or
international security, it is his right to keep those matters private.

I know that there are others on this list who won't agree, but that's fine.
 And I can certainly understand the curiosity about the President (or any
other public person).  Some of us may be comfortable with the idea of a
stranger, or a group of strangers, contacting us and asking graphic questions
(yes, the description of the day-to-day effects of untreated Celiac disease
or unintentional ingestion of gluten can be very graphic...) and demanding
answers to them in order to advance an important cause.  But that is not true
of all people--I, for example, would feel insulted, and believe that anyone
who did that to me were arrogant, cruel, and insensitive, and perhaps, up to
no good.

I believe that the President has made it clear that he'd like to keep matters
of his and his family's health private whenever he can.  It may even be a
good move to do so for national security reasons.  Imagine, for example, if
the rumour were true, and it wound up in the papers.  Then, it would be more
than the National Enquirer getting in on the fray.  I can imagine
well-respected newspapers with headlines saying something like, "President
Has Rare Disease; Don't Worry, He Tells the Nation."  Poor Boris Yeltsin
would be ignored, the Dow Jones Industrial Average would lose 1000 points in
one day, Congress would go nuts and forget about reforms, etc.

I can think in terms of compromise, however.  One of them might be to ask the
White House Chef what s/he serves when s/he has to prepare state dinners when
one or more of the attendees has food allergies, gluten sensitivity, Celiac
Disease, etc.  Who knows--the Chef might even give recipes, and give uncommon
ideas about how to get definitive information about the GF status of certain

Just my $0.02,

(back at home in Charlotte, North Carolina)