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Sat, 25 Jan 1997 16:29:56 -0500
"Kavanagh, Colleen" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, I am new to the list and hope someone may be able to relate to my
osteomalacia problem.  I apologize for the length of this message but
most of you seem to know a lot more than I do about our disease so I
thought my history may give you some clues as to why I continue to have
problems with osteomalacia.

I am 29 and was diagnosed with CD 14 years ago.  At the time, I had all
the typical symptoms including breaking bones frequently - one arm 5
times and one leg twice within a 4 year period.  I finally went into the
hospital for tests after I couldn't walk one day.  I recovered quickly
after going on a GF diet, 6" in height and 40 pounds, clear head, etc.

Whenever I cheated on my GF diet after my initial recovery, I wouldn't
get any of the symptoms I had before.  So, at age 20, I decided to
introduce some regular gluten into my diet.  I had no symptoms for over
3 years until I started getting bone pain in my knee.  I was an avid
runner at the time.  The doctor diagnosed me with arthritis but I knew
it was really osteomalacia.

Despite the fact that I've been much better about my diet since then
(though not perfect), my bone densities continue to be one and a half
standard deviations below the mean and have been for probably 12 years.

The doctor's I've seen in the Washington, DC area aren't concerned
because I'm not below 2 std. dev.  I am concerned, though.

Does anyone have some good advice for increasing bone density, or a good
doctor in the Washington or San Francisco area (I'm moving in the fall)
that you would recommend?

I exercise regulary with weights, take Tums daily, and drink lots of
calcium-enriched soy milk.
I haven't had an intestinal biopsy in 8 years.  Should I?

Also, does anyone know if Materna vitamins, Erythromycin, Entex, or
Claritin have gluten in them? The latter two I have taken every day for
years. (I plan on calling the companies next week but don't know how
long it will take them to get back to me.)

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

-- Colleen Kavanagh