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Mon, 11 Nov 1996 12:50:10 +0000
Susan Loube <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Before I went gf I was a very keen baker, and that is something I miss
almost more than eating the products.  I loved the smell, the feel of the
dough in my hands, the satisfaction of seeing it rise - the whole package
was very therapeutic.  Now, I have fooled around with gf breads, but by and
large the other members of the family prefer the packaged varieties we have
sourced, so I don't bother very often.  However, I am intrigued by the many
posts concerning bread machines.  My question is, do people use bread
machines because they deliver a better product, because they require less
effort, because it's cheaper than buying those little loaves of gf bread,
or because they never really were interested in baking until they had to?
Don't send me recipes - we have multiple allergies to deal with, including
grains, nuts, soy and dairy (not all in the same person), so I need to be
very careful what I make - but I would like to know your personal
experiences of hand vs machine baking.
Susan Loube in Dublin, Ireland