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Tue, 15 Jul 1997 09:22:20 -0400
Susan DeLuca <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Right On:

Thanks for setting the record straight.  I have had Type 1 diabetes for 17
years, diagnosed at age 9, and now have been diagnosed with Celiac's at age
25 after many years of intestinal troubles.  As  a child who has experienced
life on a restricted diet, it needs to be said that a child needs to feel as
normal as possible.  I spent most of my life explaining to other children why
I couldn't take part in many activities involving birthday cake, cookie
sales, etc. etc.  Anything a parent can do to make his or her child feel
included will be appreciated beyond belief.  I am only recently diagnosed
with CD, and am still feeling conspicuous when I bring my own bread even to
relative's houses, but everyone has made me feel comfortable, and I can't
worry about what other people think anyway.

To Bob, who has the 13 year old IDDM CD child- the teen years will be the
hardest, as I'm sure you already know.  Your child will find true friends  -
I did, and they have and will last a lifetime.  Hang in there.