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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Print Reply
Sat, 19 Apr 1997 13:26:43 GMT
Michael Jones <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

As many of you know, about a year ago the listowners established a WWW
site outside of our St. Johns host with the cooperation and enormous
efforts of Ted Hodges at:


A few months back, St Johns began offering direct WWW access, and the
Celiac Listowners established a second Celiac WWW site themselves.
Over time, we have been adding to its capabilities.  This purpose of
this post is to familarize you with the materials and capabilities of
our St Johns site.

The Celiac WWW site is a text-only site designed to provide initial
information to new subscribers and to allow all subscribers to easily
access information that has been previously posted to the List.  Use
of the WWW site will often allow subscribers to obtained the desired
information while reducing message traffic on issues that have been
previously covered.  The address is:


Some examples of information that is available:

1.  An interactive search of the logfiles can be conducted from this
site.  Logfiles are where a copy of every message from the List is

2.  Support group information and points of contact for certain cities,
broken down by states for the US, provinces for Canada, etc.
For example, to find information on local stores or a doctor in New
Orleans, you would go to the page for Lousiana.  Then read the three
listings for that state.  New Orleans is the second entry.

3.  To find information about a company product, you would access the
page listing companies alpahabetically.  The initial list is being
updated with information as it is posted to this List.  Each person
could assist in this update, when they find additional companies or an
Internet address.

There are two reference files for companies.  One is composed of those
vendors that support the GF diet with special products.  The other file
is a like a phone book of all companies, including the GF vendors.

4.  All of the reference files are available.  The FAQ and the other
files that give an understanding of the GF diet are linked to allow
easy movement from one file to a related section in another file.

5.  Our two celiac newsletters (The Celiac ActionLine and the Sprue-Nik
Press) are available for online reading.

Other features will be added as time permits.  We ask that you use the
WWW site as your first attempt to find information.  When the
information is incomplete, please post your question to the List and
summarize the applicable responses back to the List, so that we can
all learn.

For the Celiac Listowners,
Michael Jones ([log in to unmask]) Orlando, FL USA