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Sun, 6 Apr 1997 17:34:50 +0200
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello all. Sorry it took so long. Lots to do before the holiday - and
it's still 2 weeks away! I want to appologize to those who are allergic
to eggs and to those who suffer from diabetes on this list. Passover is
a very high sugar and cholesterol holiday. I, for one, don't know how
to get around this problem, as both the whole egg and the sugar are
essential ingredients in most of the recipes.

Here are some GF AND kosher-for-Passover Ashkenazi style recipes
(except for maybe 1 or 2). IMHO, the best of the best is the last one.
ENJOY!!! and Hag sameach (happy holiday).

3 eggs
1 c. chopped walnuts
grated peelof 1 orange
1/2 c. sugar
3/4 c chopped dates
1/2 c. OJ
Beat eggs with sugar and mix with all other ingredients. Line 8" square
pan with aluminum foil; grease and spread mixture evenly OR put in
cup-cake liner lined cupcake tins. Fill to 2/3 full. Bake 20 min for
cupcakes and 30 min for square pan at 350F. Yields 9 squares.

1 c. grated raw carrot (tightly packed)
1/2 c. sugar
1/3 c. potato starch flour
1/4 c. shredded apple
4 eggs, separated
1/4 c. red Passover wine
2 TBPS lemon juice
1/2 tsp. grated lemon peel
Thoroughoy combine all ingredients except egg ehites. Beat whites until
stiff. Fold into carrot mixture. TUrn into well-greased 1 1/2 quart
casserole. Bake at 375F for 35 min or until done. Serve hot or cold.

1/2+ package chocolate chips
2TP margarine
Melt the above, stirring constantly until smooth. Dip cut up
strawberries, bananas, pears. Place on wax paper to cool. Kids love
this. You can add GF sprinkles if you want to add calories!

6 eggs
1 c sugar
3 TBSP cornflour
3 TBSP vanilla extract
2 1/4 lb. spreadable white cheese (at least 5% fat)
3/4 c. sour cream

1 c. whipping cream
1/2 c. milk
1 package instant vanilla pudding (the kind that uses 2 c. milk if you
were to make it the usual way)

Separate 6 eggs. Beat whites with 1/2 c. sugar. Mix together and add
sour cream, cornflour, vanilla and white cheese. Bake 45 min at 350F.
When cool, make topping.
Beat cream, milk and instant pudding. Spread on top. Regrigerate at
least 10 hours before serving.

Serves 6. Side dish for chicken, brisket or turkey, OR light dessert.
1lb/ zucchine, scrubbed and wiped dry
4 tsp. sugar
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. raisins
1/4 c. chopped walnuts
1 TBSP vegetable oil
4 large eggs, slightly beaten

1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
2 TBSP sugar
Oven: 375F
Remove a thin slice from each end of zucchini and discard. Grate
remaining zucchini in food processor. Let rest 15 min. Drain liquid.
While zucchini is draining, put eggs in medium bowl. Add sugar, salt,
cinnamon, raisins, nuts, oil. In separate small bowl, combine topping
ingredients. Blend well and reserve. Add drained zucchini to egg
mixture and mix till combined. Put it in 8" square baking pan. Sprinkle
topping evenly. Bake 30-35 min.

4TBSP marg.
1/4 c. sugar
2 eggs, separated
scant 1/2 c. potato starch flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 c. grated carrot
1 1/4 TBSP chopped walnuts
5 TBSP wine
Rind and juice of 1 lemon
1/8 c. dates, chopped
Pinch of salt
Serves 4-5
Cream together marg and sugar. Beat in yolks. Fold in potato flour.
Fold in cinnamon, carrots, walnuts, wine, lemon rind and juice and
dates. Whisk egg whites with salt until very stiff. Fold into mixture.
Bake in greased oven dish for 45 min.

1 lb carrots, pared and quartered
1 beaten egg
3/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. sugar
dash ginger
dash pepper
2 TBSP marg
1/3 c. finely chopped onion
2 TBSP fresh chopped parsley
In covered, medium saucepan, cook carrots in slightly salted boiling
water 20 min or until tender. Drain. Place carrots in a small mixing
bowl and beat in electric mixer until smooth. Beat in juice, egg, salt,
sugar, ginger and pepper. Melt marg. in same saucepan, add onion and
parsley and cook until onion is tender. Stir into carrot mixture. Turn
into greased 1 qt. casserole and bake in 350F oven 30 min or until set.
Makes 4 servings.

This is popular among Jews of (who came from) Jordan and Syria
2 med. onions, peeled and grated
2 large eggs, slightly beaten
2 1/4 lbs lean lamb, minced very fine OR can substitute beef
slat and pepper to taste
4 TBSP pine nuts
3 TBSP melted marg or oil
chopped parsley and lemon slices for garnish
In mixing bowl, combine onions, eggs and lamb. Season with salt and
pepper. Knead mixture vigorously by hand, making sure mixture is soft
and pasty. Divide into 6 equal parts and flatten each on a board, into
a rectangualr shape.
About 1/2" from the edge of the longer sides of each rectangle, place a
row of pine nuts and then roll each rectangle into a fat sausage shape,
starting with edge with pine nuts. Arrange rolls in oven dish in a
single layer. Brush rolls with oil, sprinkle over about 3 TBSP water
and bake in 150F oven until rolls are cooked and nicely browned (about
45 min). Transfer meat rolls to preheated serving dish, garnish with
parsley and lemon and serve hot. If you allow yourself rice on
Passover, use rice. Otherwise, serve with sauteed potatoes.

6 eggs, separated
6 TBSP sugar
6 TBSP ground walnuts
In 1 bowl, beat egg whites until thick. Beat in 3 TBSP sugar. IN
separate bowl, beat yolks until thick and creamy. Beat in 3 TBSP sugar.
Mix yolks into whites and stir in nuts. Pour into 10" springform pan
lined with wax paper on sides and bottom. Bake at 325F for 45 min or
longer, until done. Serve with cream.

Irish dessert for Passover
Almost 1 quart (or 4 1/4 c.) strawberries, peeled and crushed
1 c. sugar
2 tsp. unflavored gelatin
1 TBSP lemon juice
2 c. whipped cream
In mixing bowl, mix together crushed fruit and sugar. Let stand 1/2
hour. In small cup, soak gelatin in 3 TBSP water, then siddolve in a
further 3 TBSP boiling water. Stir gelatin mixture and lemon juice into
fruit. Let cool until starting to set, then gently fold in whipped
cream. Pour mixture into large wet mold or 8-10 individual sherbet
cups. Chill at least 4 hours before serving.
Serves 8-10.

5 eggs, separated
5-6 yellow apples (peeled)
1/2 c. sugar
Juice of 1 lemon (3 TBSP)
1 grated lemon rind (optional)
4 TBSP potato starch flour
1/2 c. chopped nuts (optional)
grease for pan
Beat whites until stiff. Grate apples coarsely. Beat yolks with
remaining ingredients. Mix in apples. Fold in whites. Bake in greased
8" square pan at 350F for 1 hour.

7 eggs, separated
1 c. sugar
1 c. potato starch flour
2-3 mashed bananas
1 c. ground walnuts
Fresh strawberries, sliced
Ground walnuts for garnish
Beat whites until stiff and set aside. In separate bowl, beat yolks and
sugar together. Add potato starch slowly, beating to a smooth
concistency. Add mashed bananas and ground nuts. Gently fold mixture
into whites. Grease bottom but not sides of tube pan. Pour batter into
pan and bake at 350F for 45 min. Turn pan upside eown and let cool.
Garnish with strawberries and ground walnuts.

9 eggs, separated
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 1/3 c. potato starch flour
Juice of 1/2 lemon (1 1/2 TBSP)
Beat whites until partially stiff. Add 3/4 cup sugar and beat until
very stiff. Set aside. Mix yolks with 3/4 c. sugar, potato starch and
lemon juice. Gently fold in egg whites. Pour in ungreased tube pan or 9
x 13" baking pan at 350F for 1 hour. Before removing from oven, turn
oven off, open door slightly and let sit 10 min. Remove and invert tube
pan on a wine bottle neck to cool.

7 oz dark, sweet chocolate
4 TBSP very strong prepared coffee
7 eggs, separated
3/4 c. sugar, divided
2 TBSP cocoa (unsweetened)
Oven at 35oF. Grease 10" x 15" jelly roll pan and line with greased wax
Melt chocolate and coffee over hot water in a "double boiler" and stir
until chocolate is melted. Cool slightly. Beat yolks wtih 1/2 c. sugar
until fluffy and pale yellow. Add chocolate and coffee to yolks.
Beat whites until soft peaks form. Add 1/4 c. sugar, beating greadually
until stiff peaks form. Fold whites into chocolate mixture. Pour batter
into pan and bake 15-20 min or until roll is firm.
Remove and cool for 5 min.
Place damp towel over roll and cool completely at room temp This
prevents roll from drying out). Store in cool place. When ready to use
(with mocha filling, these steps can be done in advance) remove towel
from roll and sprinkle with cocoa.
Place an UNgreased sheet of wax paper over roll and turn roll upside
down. Remove pan and 1st piece of wax paper. Spread whipped cream or
mocha filling over flattened cake and roll up very carefully and
quickly. Store in refrigerator. Serves 8-10.
9 TBSP marg.
3/4 c. very fine sugar (confectioners sugar is good)
3 oz. semi-sweet chocolate
2 TBSP very strong prepared coffee
2 eggs
More confectioners sugar
Shaved chocolate for garnish
For mocha filling, cream marg and sugar very well. Melt coffee and
chocolate in double boiler over hot water, stirring constantly. Cool
slightly. Add to marg mixture and blend well. Add eggs and continue
beating until very smooth and light. Set aside in a cool place until
ready to fill, as above.
Sprinkle confectioners sugar on top of cake, and then shaved chocolate.
Since the roll usually cracks a bit in rolling, the decoration will
cover this.
