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Sun, 29 Dec 1996 21:50:58 -0700
Amy Phillips <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hi everyone ... have been somewhat quiet lately but soaking in all the good
stuff from the list ... I do hope that eveyone has enjoyed a safe and happy
holiday season and I also wish so much for a prosperous New Year for you all!
As some of you know ... I have had the privlidge of having an angel in our
home for the last 6 months (yes Helen it's been 6 MONTHS!).  She is 2 1/2 -
Autistic - PDD/NOS - CP has been bantered about ... Global something.  My
assignment that I chose to accept was to get her off drugs ... which they
were using because of her constant screaming ... because she was terribly
allergic to milk - which no one noticed ...
Anyway she has been doing beautifully ... just a miracle.  Gone from a slug
to immediately making eye contact (her eyes were vacant ... optical nerve
atrophying ... now pink and regenerating!) - smiling - sliding right into
cooing and being coy to now standing up ... talking (I've gotten her in
speech!) ... now laughing - reaching - grabbing - and took her first
independent steps recently!!!!  The BEST Christmas gift of all has been
given to us ... her parents (whom are not divorcing) have asked my husband
and I to adopt her.  We are most honored she has chosen us to be her parents
... she is a gift from God ...
THE CHALLENGE:  She has gone from midrange weight wise for her age to below
chart in a short span.  I am having such a challenge getting her to eat ...
I know I've heard this from many in the past ... but to be honest I have not
paid much attention to it as it was not relevant to us until now.  She was
pretty much totally bottle fed milk (aacckk) ... but we now have her on 6-10
jars of organic baby food daily along with some wonderful home made
concoctions ... Potato Mylk ...  Rice Dream ... Rice Protein ... Rice Bran
... Acidolophius ... Biffidus ... Aminos ... Vitamins ... intersperced with
what we can get down her juice wise and fruits and vegetables ... but it is
clear someting is missing or she is malabsorbing ...
Anyway ... we're meeting with the Gastrointerologist soon to see if we can
come up with any ideas about what we can do ... or what might be happening.
Does anyone have any suggestions about what I might be able to do relative
to getting calories and fat into her ... what we WERE using turns out she is
reactive to (sesame ... almond)
And/or suggestions about the appointment with the Dr ... I am finding along
this route much ignorance as well as great resistance ... especially with
the natural route we are taking ... when this began the suggestion from the
nutritionist was to put her back on milk and wheat and cheese
(grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) ...
Please if you have ANY help for me and our Angel ... We are up to this
challenge but really need your help and support ... and feedback.  Please
reach into your hearts and write me with any of your imput ...
Thank you so much ... and Happy New Year everyone!
"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature"  Emerson  :)