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Fri, 21 Jul 1995 01:07:25 -0400
Don Wiss <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Here are some postings on the low-carbohydrate diet that Drs. Richard F and
Rachel F Heller propose to lose weight. They have a carbohydrate addiction
theory. These are their books:

The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet..., 1991
The Carbohydrate Addict's Program for Success (3/93, Penguin ISBN 0452269334)
Healthy for Life..., 3/95

Their diet is gluten-free or close to it. Could these people really be
undiagnosed celiacs or have a related disorder? One of the posts notes how
to get the 29K FAQ on the diet. There is also an active mailing list (which
is noted in the FAQ). I am corresponding with one of the writers, and she is
trying some rice bread to see if it does or does not make her hungry. Don W.

Newsgroups: alt.support.diet
From: Martha Niemann <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: On CAD, & glad to be here!
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 1995 17:31:01 -0700

I found the book "The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet", by Richard and Rachel
Heller, at the library. Read the entire book before you start, I suggest.
It's motivational and you'll understand the whole system. I am now
starting to read the other books by the Hellers, which I have also found
at the library, although one of them has over 30 requests!
Good luck! So far its great!
Marti Niemann
From: Martha Niemann <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: On CAD, & glad to be here!
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 16:07:35 -0700

CAD is the Carbohydrate Addict's diet, in a book written by the Hellers.
It didn't cost me a thing to get it at the library...I've now lost eight
pounds in about a month!!
Check it out, although it is not for everybody.
....for further high-tech info, send email to
[log in to unmask]
and put into the "subject" field:
send faq

(no other info needed) and it will send you an info sheet (frequently
asked questions = faq).
From: ELLAXIAK <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: On CAD, & glad to be here!
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 95 23:09:53 -0500

Lisa, CAD is a way of balancing your food for control of cravings and
hunger. Incidentally, there is weight loss. <G> It costs one
trip to the book store and the price of the paperback The Carbohydrates
Addict by the Hellers.
I lost 100 pounds eating this way.
Hope this helps,
From: [log in to unmask] (Lisa)
Subject: Is CAD too good to be true?
Date: 19 Jul 1995 04:05:35 GMT

I've been lurking around on this newsgroup for awhile and because I saw
so many posts about CAD, I went out and bought the book. It does make
sense but it seems too good to be true. So my question to you all is
does it really work? Has anyone on this newsgroup lost any significant
amount of weight on CAD and kept it off? I've tried the low-fat, high
fiber thing several times but I can't stay on a VLF diet. If this CAD
thing is for real, I'll try it.
From: [log in to unmask] (Jan Rowell)
Subject: Re: Is CAD too good to be true?
Date: 19 Jul 1995 22:24:36 GMT

Lisa, I think you're smart to be suspicious of anything that sounds too
good to be true. I rejected CAD flat-out the first time I heard of
it...only tried it after reading an article in the New York Times that put
the Hellers' work in the context of other new thinking on how carbs affect
appetite and fat storage, and after the friend who told me about it lost
60 pounds!

I've been on CAD for 5 and a half months and, along with a couple months
before that of general cutting down, have lost 35 pounds. My experience
with CAD is that it's NOT a lose-weight-quick diet...my loss has been
fairly slow, and I've had some 2-3 week plateaus in there too. But I feel
great, I like the way I eat on CAD (I'm eating lots of veggies and salads
and have really lost my taste for sweets and heavy carbs) and the scale
keeps going in the right direction.   I'm a happy camper. :-)

Best wishes whatever you decide!

From: [log in to unmask] (Erica  )
Subject: Re: Is CAD too good to be true?
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 01:32:03 LOCAL

How did you do on the tests in the book? If you fit the profile of a carbo
"addict" you may be pleasantly surprised by this diet. My score was very
high. Perhaps that's why I'm so pleased.

I was suspicious of any diet because I'd tried so many that were based on
BS. I had sworn off diets. There is a scientific basis for this diet, I like

The lack of cravings on CAD are like a miracle to me. I feel less like I'm
on a diet now than before, because I'm not fighting powerful hunger and
cravings all the time. I found cookies last week, that were stale because I
put them away and forgot about them!  Before they would have been calling my
name. Having a normal relationship with food is amazing to me.

The downside. I did hit plateaus and the weight loss was slow. Also protein
is not my favorite food. But the benefits far outweigh the negatives.