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Fri, 1 Nov 1996 08:59:34 +0000
text/plain (27 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
According to my brother, who is CD and has been under going chelation therapy
on and off for 11 years chelation therapy is -
"A process which is only legal in the US to use as a method of removing lead
from the body.  But it also cleans out the veins of every thing.  Each
treatment costs from $75 to $100 and someone about to under go a heart bypass
surgery could get the same benefit by spending $2000 on Chelation Therapy."
Obviously I don't subscribe to the heart surgery advice, and I don't advise
anyone, whether in or out of right mind to subscribe to it either.  But, as I
said, as an observer I know that it has provided him no benefit.  And if
indeed it is legal in the US to only use it to purge lead from someone's body
I think that anyone who prescribes it for anything else should be arrested!
Bob Chapman
PS.  And if after 11 years it turns out that my brother has the wrong
definition of what it is doing that would tell me even more about the
practitioners who are selling him the service.
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