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Fri, 8 Nov 1996 08:58:41 EST
"Lewis H Durost,Jr." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Hi everyone;
 This is my first posting to the list. We're new. My husband and I joined
as my daughter is we believe, celiac. She's 25yrs old and has been a
diabetic for 13 yrs. She also has been diagnosed with chronic
pancreatitis. I'd like to explain a little about her. She has been having
diarrhea for about 6-7 yrs. Then for the last 15 months, this problem got
really bad. She was living at home temporarily, and she was very sick and
in much pain along with the diarrhea and nausea, and many other symptoms
that go along with CD. She had many tests and hospital stays during this
time ( no insurance) and lost her job because of being hospitalized so
much. No one could find the problem. They sent her down country,(we're in
extreme northern Maine)and she had an ERCP and they couldn't find
anything. Those results were sent to another Dr. in Portland Me. who
found scare tissue in the pancreatic duct. He removed it and her pain
went away(pancreatitis was the cause) , but the diarrhea was as bad as
ever, with nausea and cramps which in turn would set off attacks of
pancreatitis again. They told her she had diabetic neuropathy,and they
would help her deal with the pain. To make a long story shorter, while
she was in the hospital yet again, her dietician read an article on CD
and talked with the Doctors, and they said no no no, thats not what she
has, and so wouldn't try the diet. I called the Dr. who had done the ERCP
on her and he said he didn't think that was her problem either, but to go
ahead and try the diet for a month. Well it started to help right away.
She also can't have dairy. I don't know if thats temopary or not but
since she started this gf diet she has moved to Old Orchard Beach, Me.
and has since had to go back in the hospital and have another ERCP done
to remove more scare tissue. This seems to be returning on her and they
don't know how many times they'll be able to do this. In the mean time,
while they did this ERCP on her, they didn't do the biopsy for CD. Now I
don't know how long or if they will do it. She has no insurance and right
now is in debt so deep, we don't know what to do. I'm sorry for taking up
so much space and time in writing this, but any info we can get on any of
this, we would really appreciate. A few months ago, we had never heard of
CD and were then and are still trying to understand the pancreatitis and
scarring problem she's having. I'm mailing her most of the things I'm
getting off the list to her and I would like to take a moment to tell all
of you how GRATEFUL we are to have found you people! We've learned more
from here than we ever could have any other way. Thanks for creating this
list and for responding to it with all the information. Thanks for taking
the time to read all that I've written.  Deb and Lou
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