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Wed, 7 Aug 1996 10:18:22 +1000
Roy Hall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
>Treatment: He said that the treatment is the gluten-free diet for life and
>taking the sulfa drug dapsone for a short time to control the itching
>while it lasts. (He didn't specify how you know the when itching has
>stopped if the dapsone is controlling it.) However, the dapsone has
>serious side effects and someone taking it must have regular blood tests
>to monitor them.
When I weaned myself off dapsone by going completely GF, I took a 100mg
tablet when symptoms appeared than waited until they reappeared. Over a
period of weeks the time between pills became greater until the tabs were
no longer used. I never experienced any noticeable side effects using this
approach. Prior to my "weaning" process I was on a cheating GF diet and
couldn't get off the dreaded dapsone. For the last 6 months I have been
GF, DH free and dapsone free. With regard to dapsone side effects, when I
was first diagnosed with DH, some 25 years ago, I was prescribed sulphur
piridine (M&B 693 trade name) and this drug was effective in releaving
symptoms. However, the potential effects on the kidneys was always a
worry. I wonder if Dermatologists ever use sulphur piridine as an
alternative to dapsone for those who have a more severe reaction to the
latter, especially for short term treatment after the commencement of the
GF diet?
Roy A. Hall, PhD
Senior Research Officer
Molecular Virology
Dept. of Microbiology,
University of Queensland
Brisbane. 4072. QLD
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