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Tue, 23 Jul 1996 20:45:28 -0500
MRS JANET RINEHART <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
The August 1996 issue of DIABETES FORECAST has a six-page article
about the association of diabetes with Celiac Disease.  It was
written by Jean Guest, who is a dietician advisor of CSA.  It
contains a lot of good information about CD written for lay people.
Regarding Gluten-Free Friends, the article says, "If you want to
correspond with other people who have diabetes and CD, send your name,
 address, and brief description of the type of support you're looking
for by AUGUST 20 to:  Diabetes Forecast, Gluten-Free Friends, 1660
Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314.  We'll print your information in a
special section of Making Friends in our November issue."
It also mentioned that our Houston board member Sara Jones (with both
conditions and who supplied some backgroung information for the
magazine article)  wants to compile information about coping and
dietary strategies for diabetic celiacs.  If you are willing to fill
out a questionnaire, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to
Sara Jones, Houston Celiac Sprue Support Group, 11011 Chevy Chase,
Houston, TX 77042-2606.  She is working with her diabetologist on
this project.
I believe this article will spread a little further the word about
Celiac Disease.  Are there more celiac diabetics out there?
Janet Rinehart, Houston