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Thu, 17 Oct 1996 08:50:09 -0700
"Lisa M. Holm" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Okay, this is my first post after subscribing/lurking for about three weeks
(right after the blood test came back positive...), so here goes nothing:

1.  Colloidal silver was recommended for pinworms because it is very toxic
to microorganisms.  I believe it has something to do with it's oxidation
state (it's really the oxidation state of a metal which determines its
toxicity, basically how much energy it will release in an oxidative
environment - which our bodies are).   As far as I have read (having done
risk assessments for hazardous waste sites) very low exposures of colloidal
silver would be effective in killing the pinworms while presenting limited,
localized risk to the body.    From what I understand Antibiotics, on the
other hand, basically kill all new cells -both your body's and the pinworms
(so you basically outlast the pinworms because you have more cells.)

2.  As a hobby I practice therapeutic touch, which is healing through work
with energy fields.  We all emit energy fields (well, we basically are
energy fields, just very compacted),  and it is possible to use your energy
to move other energy around (in fact it is a very ancient form of healing).
The best part is that it is impossible to damage your energy field this
way.  Resonating, electromagnetism, electroshock, and magnet theory
introduce artificial energy fields in an attempt to alter your energy field
(energy fields interact when in close proximities), or encourage your
energy to flow.   The problem is that we all have slightly different
frequencies at which our energy resonates, so a machine may help some
people and damage others (it's just not "tuned" finely enough, though I
know some people who swear by the magnets for pain control.)
I know a lot of people don't tend to seek alternative solutions, but I have
used touch throughout the past eight months of being sick, and have found
it able to at least ease the bloating, cramping, nausea and burping I have
been experiencing.  Therapeutic touch is also very easy to learn and use
(the class I took was free!   If anyone is interested their local book
stores may have books on this -Healing Hands, Therapeutic Touch, Hands of
Light.  ...the bible referred to this as  "Laying on of Hands").

3. California Wine.  Okay, I've lived in the Napa valley my whole life, and
have been quizzing my father, who has worked at a variety of wineries over
the years (and is starting a beer business, so I am strongly encouraging
him to develop a tasty GF beer! ), over the grain alcohol content in wines.
At his  winery (um, the one at which he works) they do a lot of
subcontracting, and apparently cheaper wines often have vinegar removed,
alcohol content added (in the form of distilled wine or _grain alcohol_),
tanens (sp?) removed or added.  He says he suspects 60-70 of the 300+ wines
made in CA probably have some grain content.  If anyone's interested in
checking out their favorite wine (local to Napa, Sonoma Co.'s) I'd be happy
to investigate, just let me know (it's a short drive for me.)

AND FINALLY, thanks to everyone for providing such wonderful information and
making this far less difficult than it could be!  (I actually got to tell my
Dr. yesterday that a dietician consult was not necessary!)

Lisa Holm
Napa, CA