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Mon, 16 Sep 1996 15:59:23 -0800
Jeryl Cordell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Kathleen Shipley wrote:

 For about the last month I have had pains in my joints.  It is worst in the
knuckles of my fingers, although I sometimes have pains in my knees and
elbows.  My knuckles bother me most during the night.  I sometimes wake
up during the night and realize that my knuckles hurt.

I am responding to Kathleen on the net to see what's out there on this.

Please let me/us know what you hear back on this.  I've been essentially
gluten free for several years now.  Last May I started having the worst
knuckle pain.  I endured for several months until it got to where I hated
the thought of getting my wallet out of my hip pocket or tying my necktie.
The worst was/is at night.  I get woken up by my aching knuckles.  If I
wake up and try to scratch my nose, my knuckle is essentially frozen in
place and to try to move it is excruciating.  I went to the doctor and he
found no evidence of arthritis.  My knuckles have taken to having
shooting pains during the day as well.  I'm essentially out of the twisting
off jar lid business around the home.

Any help from others?  This just came out of the blue for me.  Literally all
at once one morning.

Jere Cordell