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Mon, 9 Sep 1996 17:27:46 -0400
Jane Ehrenfeld <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
On Thu, 22 Aug 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:
> We have the beginnings of the answer in the many GF support groups and in
> this list.  We share experiences with various products and, thus educated,
> we can make our decisions about what to eat and what to avoid.  We share
> information on companies that do produce GF food, and thereby provide more
> business for those companies that will help keep them in business.  Among
> us, we are getting to know who the "good guys" are and whom we cannot trust.
> As more and more people become aware of (and are diagnosed with) conditions
> such as CD, maybe the "big" companies will finally listen to the sound of
> our money going elsewhere.
Well, Shawn has a germ of a good idea here.  After an exceptionally
frustrating bout with consumer reps. this past week (had a gluten
reaction, but that's another story), I am seriously entertaining the idea
of simply not buying *anything* (as in, not even stuff for my
gluten-eating husband) from companies that can't (read that as won't)
guarantee the source of dextrose, caramel color, etc. or suggest that we
just don't eat any of their products because they can't (again, read that
as won't) guarantee against cross contamination with regards to any of
their products that should be o.k. for us to eat.  If we really intend on
voting with our dollars then we need to use our entire household's
purchasing power.  Face it, just us celiacs are not numerous to really
make an impact.
I know it's unfair to make your loved ones do without their entire range
of glutenous goodies but maybe they will want to join in the fight for
*you* (their loved one).  I realize that this probably is not practical
for many of you out there with children or large households due to both
multitudinous personalities and the higher cost but it is something to
Jane (in VA)
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