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Sun, 16 Jun 1996 11:00:06 -0400
Madeline Stead <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
 I live in Toronto, and all pharmacists here also have the CPS
(Compendium of ? ? ).  It covers all prescription and over-the-counter
drugs.  Some pharmacists are co-operative about looking things up,
but I and other celiacs here have encountered those who say  "I'm
too busy to look it up - call the manufacturer yourself".
 There is also the issue of contamination.  Popular drugs such as
Advil and Tylenol use corn starch filler, as I understand it, and thus
should be g-f and would show up that way in the CPS.  At the Montreal
conference, Dr. Seidman, the keynote speaker, said there had been a
report in a recent Journal of Pediatric Gastoenterology (I wish the
speakers at these conferences would give out handouts so we'd
have notes afterwards!) that said industrial starches frequently were
contaminated with gluten.
 My decision in this case is that the headache relief from taking a
Tylenol far outweighs the slight amount of gluten damage I might
possibly be exposed to, so I don't worry about it.  I have only myself
to consider, though.  If I was the mother of a celiac child, I might be
more worried about it.
                                      Madeline Stead