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Tue, 21 May 1996 09:34:52 EDT
Bill Elkus <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (77 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
The listowners have just made available a new file on genetics and Celiac
Disease.  We felt it was too long to place on the List itself, but it is
available for downloading by sending an email to [log in to unmask]
with the body
What follows is the file introduction, and the questions from the file.  If
these questions interest you, download the file to get the answers!
A reminder:  We have several dozen specialized files about Celiac.  For a list
with descriptions, send an email to [log in to unmask] with the body
Bill Elkus
Los Angeles
This file is a summary of various posts made on the CELIAC List about
genetics and celiac, and more specifically about HLA typing in Celiac
Disease.  It has been supplemented by private emails with various
experts in this area of CD, and has been reviewed for technical accuracy
by Drs. Ludvig Sollid (Univeristy of Oslo) and Karoly Horvath
(University of Maryland), two of the CEL-PRO experts.  This file is
formatted as a question and answer session.
Q.  What are the basic statistics on the risk of Celiac Disease
amongst the general population?
Q.  What are the basic statistics on the increased risk of Celiac
Disease among the various relatives of a diagnosed celiac?
Q.  Can genetics testing determine if my sibling will get Celiac Disease?
Q.  How common are the Celiac-related HLA markers in the general
population?  In other words, how specific to Celiac Disease are the
Celiac-related HLA markers?
Q.  If HLA testing only shows tendencies, why bother doing it at all?
     a) Excluding CD as possibility.
     b) Necessity of serology re-testing.
     c) Attention to at-risk siblings.
     d) Delay the introduction of gluten to 'at risk' children.
Q.  What does HLA mean?
Q.  How does one test for HLA markers?  Where?  How much does it cost?
Will insurance cover it?
Q.  How many different types of HLA markers are there?
Q.  Which HLA markers are associated with Celiac Disease?  I have been
confused, sometimes reading about DQ2, at other times about DR3, B8
and other markers.
Q.  If one has two copies of the Celiac-related markers instead of one,
does it make a difference?
Q.  Are there non-HLA genes involved in determining if someone has the
potential to get Celiac Disease?
Q.  Are there any known HLA or other genetic markers associated with
gluten intolerance in autism?
Q.  What other disorders is a Celiac more susceptible to due to
genetics (as opposed to intestinal damage and/or malabsorption)?
Q.  Could my family's genetics be used to advance the scientific
knowledge in this area?  If so, then who should I contact?
Q.  Can you give me some references to read or show my doctor for
further details?