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Mon, 4 Nov 1996 22:25:18 -0500
Dorothy Hilde <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (117 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I don't even now where to start. .... Please excuse me but I think this
will be a looooooonnnng post.
My son is 7 years old.  He has been a handful since the time he could
walk.  He was often irritable, defiant, uncooperative, etc.
At six months of age we discovered that Andrew was allergic to PEANUTS.
My dad very lovingly gave him a taste of peanut butter from his
sandwhich.  He turned purple from head to toe.  It was good thing that
we only lived five minutes from the ER.
The summer of 1992 we spent four months with my parents awaiting school
transfer (myself).  In one day Andrew managed to fill the lawn mower's
gas tank full of water, let the oil out the hydraulic jack, smash the
glass of the wood stove with a hammer, and dump out all my dad's nuts
and bolts from their respective containers into one large box (he was
Andrew "busy" behavior continued on through playschool.  He gave
everyone a run for their money and was often uncooperative after lunch.
The daycares were always "commenting" on his behavior.  At four years of
age I took him to our GP, a counselor, as well he had a child care
worker. No luck!  Just a busy boy?
Andrew started kindergarten that year and became the "coat room kid"
Even went to the principal's office.  In Kindergarten!!! So, off we went
to another doctor, a pediatrician, pyschiatrist, more counselors.  Grade
One - his desk was separate from all the other children's, he was
chronically in the hallway and at least once a week in the office.  He
had a counselor at the school which he saw on a twice weekly basis.  The
school insisted he needed Ritalin.  I resisted.
Andrew did not seem to be "healthy".  He was often tired looking, bags
under his eyes, chronic runny nose, bed wetting, leg pains and diarrhea.
 I took him back to our GP.  He insisted that nothing was wrong.  I
piped up and asked if Giardia (parasite in the water supply from
beaver's waste) was present in our area.  So, he gave in to me and had
him tested.  BINGO.  Number one problem solved and I have since read
that this can weaken the bowel therefore encouraging gastrointestinal
diseases such as celiacs.  Anyhow, back to the dialogue.
After I discovered that Andrew had Giardia I took him to a naturopath.
As I was curious as to where or not Andrew had an other allergies than
PEANUTS as my GP would not have him tested as he felt it was not
inclusive and wouldn't affect his behavior.  YAH RIGHT!
The naturopath did a RAST test on Andrew.  He had extreme reactions to
several things but the highest being GLUTEN, wheat, rye, etc.  As well
as EGGS and CHEESE and chocolate.
After this I began Andrew on a GLUTEN-FREE diet as well as eliminating
his other allergies.  Prior to this Andrew was doing poorly in school,
unable to concentrate, defiant, irritable, etc.  He wanted to keep up
with the class but just couldn't.
The school continued to insist that Andrew needed formal testing because
they felt he was ADD.  So , the pediatrician set up testing and he saw a
psychiatrist.  The testing revealed that Andrew had an IQ of 128
superior and that the average mark on the test was 10.  Andrew averaged
13 and had scores as high as 19 (almost double the average).
The psychologist told me that he felt bad because he wasn't doing his
job by NOT prescribing RITALIN.  But that Andrew did not need the
medication, he was extremely bright and therefore would be difficult to
manage at times.
The pediatrician told me not to let anyone give him DRUGS.  That he
would be the next BILL GATES and that he wanted a piece of his empire
for diagnosing his intelligence.  He also confirmed that Andrew was
extremely intelligent and therefore able to manipulate.  If he didn't
want to read a book he wasn't going to read a book.  He knew that he had
a choice whether it be the acceptable choice or not.
Andrew has been GF since February 1996 and I have noticed a remarkable
difference in him and his ability to concentrate and his behavior
In conclusion, I would like to add that I think you should consider
formal IQ testing for your daughter, persevere with the diet, look into
whether or not she is lacking vitamins and minerals, and be assured that
your love and guidance is the most important key and to not let anyone
alter you opinion.  STICK TO YOUR GUNS, you know your child best.
A drug can help but it does not resolve the problem only masks it.  I
believe that ADD is a difficult diagnosis to make but one that should
not be done in haste.  I can understand your concern, confusion,
helpless and most of all your need to have an answer so you and your
daughter can regain some normoplicity in your lives but the main issue
is to make sure your daughter's basic needs are met.  Those being love,
shelter, water and food.  We often forget that we are each an individual
with individual needs and the game plan is to meet those needs on a
individual basis.
Andrew's is now in Grade Two and the school has set up an individual
learning program for Andrew.  They give him special responsibilities
when he has completed his work, ie.  Lunch room monitor, VIP, black
board cleaner etc. =20
The struggle of putting a child on a GF diet who has had 8 years of her
choice is not easy but the list is here and I am here if you need me.
Don't be shy to reach out for help.  We all need help in some way.
Please feel free to write me with any questions, concerns etc. you may
have.  I certainly don't have all the answers but would love to give
support whenever possible.
Don't despair ... STICK TO YOUR Guns
Dorothy L. Hilde, President of CAMT, BC Chapter
Medical Transcriptionist, KLDH
Salmo, British Columbia