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Sat, 5 Oct 1996 10:19:15 -0700
Dorothy Hilde <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (51 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
Concerning your post about your son's ?corn allergy.  I have read an
excellent book.  It is called "Feed Your Kids Bright" by Francine Prince
and Harold Prince, PhD.
I will proceed to quote some excerpts from this book and I strongly
recommend that you purchase it or borrow it from your local library.
However, I must state that purchasing it would be a wise choice as I
have had mine for 6 years and still refer to it.
"Anti-Vitamin, Anti-Mineral Foods that could brown out your kid's brains
- corn and most corn products (but not corn oil)
Vitamins/Minerals Attacked - B3 and Zinc
Brain Brown-Out Symptoms - Hyperactivity, impaired sense perceptions,
learning disability, irritability, memory loss, sluggishness, extremely
antagonistic behavior, and violent temper tantrums.
Corn is a food that contains Phytates which can cause iron-deficiency
"These foods are harmless when animal foods are a regular part of your
kid's diet, since anti-iron food attack only iron present in plant foods
(non-heme iron).  Anti-iron foods on a pure vegetarian diet, which is
low in iron to begin with, can be dangerous to your kids physically as
well as mentally."
High-Fiber Foods That May Harm Your Kid's Brain"
"High-fiber foods in moderation are unquestionably healthful, but
prolonged consumption of above-optimal quantities can hurt your child
mentally and physically.  Not only does excess fiber impair the
absorption of brain-vital minerals, but attacked by intestinal bacteria,
it produces noxious gases in the digestive tract with possible
consequent pain, vomiting, and nausea.
 IE.  Corn, lima beans, bran cereals, brussel sprouts, coconut, apples,
green beans, peas, almonds, whole-wheat cereals (to name a few)."
A personal note:  I started my son on this diet in December of 1995
including one of a celiac's and when he had his IQ tested in March of
1996 he came out 126 superior.  Previous to the diet he would not
"behave", had frequent outbursts and wasn't interested in learning at
I hope this information can be of use to you.  Please let me know how it
works out.
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