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Print Reply
Wed, 11 Sep 1996 23:03:09 +0100
Susan Loube <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
>Along with the many other benefits to mother and baby of
breastfeeding, it seems that it might help prevent or delay the onset of
cd/gluten intolerance.<
Perhaps.  I breastfed both of my kids for quite a long time. My first child
was born in 1982, my second in 1985.  He had problems from a very early
age, say 3 weeks.  Scuzzy eyes, scuzzy head, runny nose, eczema, plus
colic, wanting to be fed every 1.5 hours, etc.  My doctor gave me
antibiotics (for the eyes), creams, etc., but nothing worked.  Eventually,
when he was almost 6 mos. I read an article about antigens in breast milk.
I stopped eating peanut butter and peanut oil and bits of his skin cleared
up.  I stopped eating other things - nuts, cow's milk, *wheat*, tomatoes,
citrus, eggs, legumes - quite soon he was this wonderful baby, with no skin
problems and no ear infections and no colds. I must emphasize, he never had
a bottle, and his introduction to solids was much later than the
development of his symptoms.  Turns out, when I went on this diet, I became
much healthier too - lost a lot of excess weight, could breathe deeply for
the first time I could remember, enjoyed better digestion, had lots of
energy, took up jogging.  So, I had intolerance problems I had never
suspected.  Was this a factor in passing on the problem? My leaky gut
churning out allergenic peptides to immunize him in utero and via my milk?
Or did he just never have a chance, since his father has allergies and is
very likely a celiac himself?
I have since read that a woman should avoid the things she's allergic to
during pregnancy (and lactation) to prevent this sort of reaction. I don't
know whether a woman with no intolerances could sensitize a susceptible
child - maybe all mothers should give up wheat for the duration, just in
Susan Loube