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Sat, 24 Feb 1996 00:50:30 -0500
Alec Maines <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (81 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
I thought I would put together a synopsis of emails to me regarding pain in
left side. It seems to happen to a number of people and is hard to
diagnose. I will let the reader decide but personally. I intend to watch
it, eat right and take a closer look at crohns of the small intestine
material. Thank you to the respondents. Alec
I'm interested in your post since I too have been experiencing such pain
for several years now. Emily
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 she[wife] continued to have a pain in the exact
area you described. We decided to investigate some more and sought the advice
and counsel of the best GI specialist we could find. She had two endoscopies
and a barium enema and the diagnosis was Ulcerative Colitis, with a stricture
in the small intestine.
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I had exact same symptoms and went through extensive testing to
find the source of the problem.... multiple doctors/specialists found
nothing.   Pain completely disappeared after extended period (at least
nine months) on gluten free diet.   However, when I accidentially ingest
something with gluten.... the symptom temporarily reappears.
[log in to unmask]
I too have a bacterial overgrowth.  I am now taking Duracef.  I have not noticed
any dramatic results, but I have another week to go.
By the way, my pain in the left side is almost all gone.  It greatly improved
when the parasites(Blastocystis Hominis) were eliminated. John Hempstead
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I had, not a pain, but some discomfort in my left side, especially after
eating. I have just had a thorough working over by a gastro-enterologist, and
mentioned this sensation to him; nothing conclusive was found.
Dr. John A. Wiseman
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 I may be way off base on this one, but a pain in the
left side, just above the belt, that worsens upon drinking alcohol
could possibly be an indication of a little pancreatitis.
 Barbara Jean Kuehl <[log in to unmask]>
Get hold of a  book called
PUBLISHERS LIMITED Wellingborough, Northamptonshire   ISBN 0 7225
0202 8.
Russell Baleson <[log in to unmask]>
I was on tetracylenes for about 9 months to control my acne.  I became
hypersensitive to the sun, completely heat intolerant, and very sick.  I
stopped taking them over 2 years ago, longer, and i still have those syptoms.
 they caused my immune system to pretty much break down, causing recurrent
yeast infections and largely helping me to get CFIDS - Chronic Fatigue and
Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, which has caused many food allergies among other
things. Dara
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I have an appointment today with the
GI and I woke up with this awful pain on my left side.  Thought it might be
constipation and wasn't.  It is more severe when I stand up straight so I
tend to walk a little bent over. Karen
...Saw the doctor, he said that it is a colonic spasm. Karen
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This most helpful thing I ever did was to stop drinking coffee.
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I have had lower abdo pain for some time now (18 years) and after
two major operations (one in an attempt to do a resection for Crohns and
the other for a bowel blockage) It was discovered that I have had massive
adhesions through my gut area since birth. Mick
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Pat Buchanan is giving me a pain in MY left side!  GK
[log in to unmask] (George & Gayle Kennedy)
Alec Maines
Washington, DC