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Tue, 28 Nov 1995 09:03:44 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
My feed won't allow me to reply oversees.
In some answer to Susan Lasley;
A poster suggested, tongue in cheek I believe, about a causal
connectivity to being a sub of the HUMAN RACE.
All races are welcome to be celiacs. Admission is denied to none.
If more progress in research and treatment have been reached in Africa
or Asia, than has been done in Northern Europe, we welcome the
effort and would love to be privy to the information gleaned.
Just as Sickel Cell anemia is perceived to have a preponderance in a
certain race, most current information indicates a preponderance of
Celiac Disease in people of Northern European background. I will stand
corrected, if need be.
As to Doctors, Registered Dieticians and the FDA in the US, I would
suggest that their interest and knowledge in Celiac Disease has not been
demonstrated fully enough to help the insured OR the non-insured. Pretty
much equality in both areas. I know CEO's and welfare people who have
had difficulty in getting a definite diagnosis. CHEERS! AMS