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Thu, 17 Aug 1995 12:01:58 -0600
Linda Jones <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This situation is almost identical to what I have been experiencing since
April.  I, too, had gained weight after beginning the sprue diet and have
been on it for 14 years.  All of a sudden I began losing weight, have an
extreme amount of gas.  I have now been diagnosed as fructose intolerant
and can have no sugar (this includes no fruit).  If she has not been
tested for sugar that might be a possibility.  Only this morning did
I discover that there is sugar in Coffee Rich . . . something else to
eliminate.  The fructose intolerance test is a five hour test--drink
a glass of liquid and then every half hour a breath test is taken.
I wish you lots of luck.  Perhaps you might be in contact with Dr.
Joe Murray at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinic who specializes
in sprue.   I have an appt with him to see if he has a magical cure.
I would be interested in hearing from you if discover the problem, it
might be something that I could also investigate.  My address:
     [log in to unmask]
     Phone:  (608) 363-2483

Linda Jones                     Tele: (608) 363-2483
Robert H. Morse Library         FAX:  (608) 363-2487
Beloit College                  E-Mail: [log in to unmask]
731 College Street
Beloit, WI   53511