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Thu, 16 Nov 1995 23:38:19 -0800
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
*warning: this post is about good things about celiac, not medical
info-please scrap it if this is not what you are looking for.
A lot of the posts I have seen so far have been positive and helpful. I
just wanted to add to the voices that my celiac diagnosis recently has
been one of my most positive events in years.
good points about a celiac diet:
-can think straight most of the time now
-feel much, much better
-more energy
-not crabby all the time now
-can do my old sports that I had to stop due to fatigue again
-don't have constant gutaches
-no more bladder infections and other attendent problems
-have lost a bunch of unwanted weight
-get lots of positive support from everyone and lots of special loving
   cooking efforts on my behalf
-got to know a lot of very nice people on this forum whenever I asked a
-am now on a healthier diet than anyone I know
-medications taken for the odd medical problem actually work now because
   they are being absorbed
-do not wake up feeling 'blah' anymore
bad points about the celiac diet:
sorry, with this group close at hand I can't think of any.:)
I am able to provide my DR's with the latest news thanks to the listserv.
I will caveat this list with the comment that I know all too well how
much more difficult this condition is to deal with for those who have CD
kids and admire their efforts to find positive solutions. I have small
relatives with food allergies and know it is very hard for the parents.
I'm sorry this is not informational and may be isolated personal
experience but if anyone is feeling down about their diagnosis please
feel free to post to me and I will provide all the support and
encouragement that I can.
ok, a little bit of medical info...I accidentally ate something with
gluten in it 3 days ago and got my first bladder infection in 3 months
after an almost constant year of agonising infections. That's enough to
keep me honest for good on the diet.;)  And if you really want to feel
better about the limitations of the diet I can't eat corn or rice or
dairy either and I'm still happy as a clam to be on the diet and getting
healthy. I hope this message helps someone.
Thanks for the support and thanks for listening,