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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Tue, 29 Aug 1995 19:38:08 -0500
Chris Brown <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (84 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi. I just finished reading the archives and thought I would like to add
a few thoughts and ask a few questions.

First some background - I'm a 42 year old female, have 4 children: Melody
(f)(21yo), Carrie (f)(19yo), Christopher (m)(13yo), and Timothy
(m)(10yo). I quit breastfeeding Christopher at 2 1/2 years. He
immediately started having problems. We saw many military doctors,
husband in Air Force, and never received any help. At the age of 8, I
took him in to pediactrics frightened about his weight of 32 pounds. The
doctor implied that it was my fault. I demanded to be allowed to see a
civilian specialist and eventually received permission to take him the
the university medical center in Tuscon. Six months later after they told
us he had cystic fibrosis they informed us of their misdiagnosis and
confirmed CD.

Both Christopher and Carrie were biopsied with positive results.
Christopher was the severest with no visible villi. Carrie suffered the
same symptoms since she was small but not to the same extent that
Christopher did.

I had also been to see many doctors about a rash that had covered the
major portions of my body for over 1 year. They came up with a number of
possible diagnosis: VD, nerves, allergic reactions to soaps, etc. I took
all kinds of medications and was so miserable at one point I even
considered suicide. Learning about CD and DH was the turning point in my
life - and my families.

Carrie, Christopher, and I ate GF. I cooked regular meals for the rest.
Christopher was like a new child. Gone was the sullen little boy from
before and now I had a child who was very interested in what I was
cooking. Carrie's personality, at 14, changed also.

We could definitely tell when we ate something bad. I too had stomach
problems in the past. It took 3 months for my rash to completely go away.
I did not take any meds. I felt better bit by bit. About 6 months into
the diet I started noticing Timothy was having problems. His symptoms
were not as severe as Christopher's or Carrie's so I guess he had been
overlooked. He had stomach aches about 3 times a week, every week,
malodorous flatulence, and diarhea. It was the gas that I noticed the
most. It had the same smell as Christopher's when he was on gluten. Also
Tim was prone to hives on the belly and arms. I put him on the diet and
the symptoms disappeared.

Finally we all went GF. it was much easier plus it was not so much of a
tease to have the kids to have wheat under their noses. A year later we
went to Korea. My oldest daughter, Melody, joined the Air Force and went
off to Colorado. About 6 mos later she started writing that she had bouts
of severe diarhea, gas, and vomiting. She had been on a wheat diet and
continued to eat this way until 2 mos ago when she came to visit. Since
the visit she has tried to stay gluten free and has noticed dramatic

Melody, Timothy, and I were never medically tested for CD. But -- if we
ingest any gluten we can definitely tell within 24 hours. So here we are
in Texas reading all this good stuff on this Listserv.

Now for a few questions:

1. I treat most of our illnesses hollistically. Do any of you do the same?

2. Has anyone used taro root to cook with? I mix it with rice flour and
it makes lovely cakes. It is a root grown in Asia and they use it to make

3. Would anyone like a list of food co-ops? They have GF flours, noodles,
mayos, vinegarless pickles, and lots more. You can buy in bulk.

4. I buy my herbs in bulk and grind them down in the blender so I know
it's pure. I have a couple of companies I deal with if anyone is interested.

In conclusion, I still don't understand the need to be positively
diagnosed through medical biopsy. My children are all probably CD/HP. Two
were positively identified. I feel that if we are better since going
gluten-free, and immediately get worse when not - then that's all the
proof I need. I think the most important diagnosis that anyone can
receive is the message that they receive from their own body. If it hurts
-- don't do it!

I look forward to interacting with all of you.
