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Thu, 25 Jul 2019 21:01:50 -0700
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi All,

I know I've asked about this before. Today's question is a little different.

If you use ADP at work to clock in and out, request time off, and manage 
benefits, how do you use it with a screen reader?

I'm mostly not getting very far. I can use the website and Android app 
to read information, like how many messages I have from HR, how much 
money I'll get this pay period, how much time off I've accrued, and what 
some of my benefits are, but I can't do much of anything. Mostly nothing 
happens when I activate links/controls. Sometimes things do happen, but 
I don't get as far as I need to go. For example, on the Android app, I 
was able to "see" that money wasn't being withheld for taxes because the 
Exempt box was checked, but I wasn't able to uncheck that box, and on 
the PC, I was able to get about halfway through the process for 
requesting time off, but I wasn't able to complete it.

Sighted colleagues say you need to use Internet Explorer for ADP to work 
right on the PC. For me, the browser doesn't seem to make much of a 
difference. As far as screen readers go, NVDA usually shows me frames 
that Jaws and Narrator miss, but again, I never finish getting where I 
need to go. I've installed and updated Java in case that makes a difference.

I'm having trouble finding actual information about ADP accessibility 
(i.e., an a11y statement, a list of commands, or instructions about 
settings for screen reader users). The only thing I'm really finding is 
a series of press releases about ADP and AudioEye, but I'm not clear 
about whether the AudioEye implementation is evident on the regular 
WorkForceNow website or available through some AudioEye portal.

I thought I'd ask here before calling ADP tech support. I'm dreading 
explaining my problem to a person who doesn't know what accessibility is.

Thanks for any wisdom.


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