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Dan TeVelde <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 21 Aug 2020 09:44:28 -0500
text/plain (60 lines)
Hi Ana,

I don't think this is a bug.  I have the same problem.  Normally I turn off speech when I'm in a Zoom meeting so others won't hear anything except me.  I know that JAWS has a set of scripts which provide screenreader feedback.  I'm not aware of any NVDA add-on which would enhance the accessibility of Zoom.  If you can use JAWS, you might see how much information you get.  Another option would be to use the iOS Zoom app.  The only disadvantage there is that others might hear output from VoiceOVer.  I don't know anything about Zoom with Android.  I don't currently have an Android device.  I hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Ana G
Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 10:23 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [VICUG-L] NVDA and Zoom

Hi All,

I've been using Zoom at work a lot lately, sometimes with Narrator, Sometimes with NVDA, depending on what else I'm doing during the session.

What I notice is that NVDA doesn't announce some of the chat 
information. For example, when I log into a Zoom session, I'm usually 
put into a waiting room. Sometimes the host asks me to identify myself. 
With NVDA, I don't hear that information; in fact, I didn't know that 
was happening until a sighted colleague pointed it out. Once I'm in the 
meeting, I'm sent to a breakout room. Sometimes NVDA announces that I'm 
being prompted to join the breakout room; more often, it doesn't, so I 
tab around to find the Join button. Then whether in the main meeting or 
breakout room, Other chats are being sent to the group, like "X is ready 
so let's do Y next," but with NVDA, I rarely hear any of that. Since 
it's pretty distracting and overwhelming, I mostly don't mind, but then 
again, sometimes the chats involve me, so I really should know.

Is what I'm describing an NVDA bug, or is there a setting I can adjust 
to hear more of the chats.

The versions of Zoom and NVDA are current, but Windows 10 is 1809 if 
that matters.

Thanks for any wisdom.


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