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Mike Jones <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Apr 1995 23:40:02 EST
text/plain (56 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

=========================    News Highlights

1.  Future  Plans for GIG  of Florida:   The best memorial  that Mary  Alice's
friends can give is to continue her  work through GIG of Florida.   Mary Kump,
Trish Gillen, and  Mike Jones  have undertaken  the challenge  to provide  the
quality of service and understanding that Mary Alice started.  GIG  of Florida
is determined to continue improving the lives of celiacs around the world.

Special thanks are extended  to everyone for the  donations that were sent  in
memory of Mary Alice Warren.   Her family and The ActionLine staff  appreciate
the wonderful thoughts  that were  expressed in your  letters of  condolences.
The donations will be forwarded to the University of Iowa for celiac research.

2.  Late Delivery of the January Newsletter was a result of  printing problems
(equipment and a move).  We regret the delay and will strive to  remain on our
quarterly schedule of January, April, July, and October.

3.  Marion Wood passed away  in April 1994.  She  was a respected author  that
gave many celiacs their first cookbook of GF recipes.

4.  Sue  Grafton dedicated her  book, F is  for Fugitive, to  Marion Wood  and
included a small reference to CD.

5.  North American Celiac Conferences in 95:
     Canadian Celiac Association, Annual Conference in Vancouver on June 2
     through 4,6519B Mississauga Road, Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5N 1A6,
     (905) 567-0710, (800) 363-7296 (Canada)

     American Celiac Society (ACS), Celiac Sprue Conference in Baltimore, MD
     on 14 through 15 July 58 Musano CT., W. Orange, NJ 07052, (201) 325-8837

     GIG of NA, 1995 Summer Camp for children, July 30 through August 5 at
     Camp Stealth on Vashon Island, WA PO, Box 23053, Seattle, WA 98102, (206)

     Celiac Sprue Association/USA, Annual Conference on October 6 through 8 at
     San Francisco, CA, PO Box 31700, Omaha, NE 68131-0700, (402) 558-0600

6.  Physician Education is one of  the primary goals of the ACS  conference on
July 14-15, 1995.  Some of the proposed topics are:  1. Pathogenesis of CD, 2.
Clinical features, extraintestinal presentations, and associated  diseases, 3.
Epidemiology of the  disease, 4. Pathology,  5. Complications, 6.  Nutritional
aspects. 7.  FDA  policy, 8. Diagnostic  methods, 9. Cases  reports.  See  the
related article for address and location.

7.  The GF Logo is being  removed from British products.  The  British Coeliac
Society is restricting its use  to group activities and  will not allow it  on
items to denote the absence of toxic proteins.   In the US, the logo is  not a
registered trademark.  The  Canadian version is a  trademark and there are  no
published plans to make a change in its use.

8.   Pope Pius  XII was  placed on  a GF  diet before  his death  in 1958  for
treatment of intestinal problems.