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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Apr 2015 08:46:20 -0500
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Prayer Points We Can All Use for the Day of Repentance USA: April 30 - May 6
Day of Repentance Staff (Apr 29, 2015)

The Messiah wants everyone to come into the 
Kingdom of Heaven through repentance and then to 
use that repentance process to take on His holiness.

Thank you brothers and sisters-in-Christ in 
Australia, in other nations, and here in the USA 
for joining with us on the National Day of 
Repentance, April 30, 2015, and for continuing to 
pray and fast during the days leading up to the 
National Day of Prayer on May 7.

We Believers in Christ in the USA deeply 
appreciate your prayers and fasting for our 
nation at this perilous time, where we are at a 
real tipping point, a real spiritual battle 
whether this nation will honor and return to its 
Godly roots. Our hearts are touched by your Godly 
support, praying and fasting. To continue to 
build unity in His Body, we stand ready at all 
times to pray, fast and repent with you on any 
such days in your nations. God bless you!

In addition to prayer and fasting we encourage 
you to add repentance to your prayers, 
individually or with others. Real joy and great 
fellowship blossoms when we repent together. 
Repentance is the "turning from our wicked ways" 
that allows the Lord to hear from Heaven, forgive 
our sin and heal our land. He calls us to: 
"‘Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, 
with weeping, and with mourning.' So rend your 
hearts, not your garments; Return to the Lord 
your God...." Joel 2:12-13. When He sees real 
repentance among His people who are called by His 
name blessings begin and the battle becomes His.


Having defeated the devil in the wilderness by 
the Word of God Yeshua/ Jesus came out and began 
His ministry, and His first word was: "Repent... 
for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" Matthew 
4:17. Years later, as the Risen Christ, virtually 
His last word to Believers was also repent: "As 
many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore 
be zealous and repent." Revelation 3:19. The 
Messiah wants everyone to come into the Kingdom 
of Heaven through repentance and then to use that 
repentance process to take on His holiness.

There is a most remarkable verse of Scripture, 
Revelation 3:20, where the Risen Christ invites 
Believers in Him to "dine" with Him. The Risen 
Christ says to us, Revelation 3:20 [NKJV]: 
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone 
hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in 
to him and dine with him and he with Me." In the 
Living Bible translation, the Risen Christ is 
even more insistent: "Look! I have been standing 
at the door, and I am constantly knocking. If 
anyone hears me calling him and opens the door, I 
will come in and fellowship with him and he with me."

This "dining" and "fellowship" with the Risen 
Christ is an extraordinary privilege. He's 
inviting us to share with Him the type of 
spiritual food He ate during His ministry, not 
known then even to His disciples: "I have food to 
eat of which you do not know." (John 4:32).

Think about it: the Risen Christ is inviting you 
and me to have communion with Him! And then 
fellowship! Did you ever wish you were present at 
the Last Supper? That you could have placed your 
head on His heart as John did? In the Holy Spirit 
we can do that­the Risen Christ invites daily 
communion and fellowship with Him as often as we 
wish! We simply have to remove the distractions 
of the world and flesh and open the door of our 
hearts to Him to spend quality time with Him.

In addition to the pure joy in fellowship He has 
a purpose: He wants to lead us in His path of 
righteousness for His name's sake. He calls us 
out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 
2:9). He wants to sanctify and cleanse us to grow 
in His holiness. He's coming soon as the 
Bridegroom. We Believers are His Bride and need 
to be without spot and wrinkle, holy, without blemish (Ephesians 5:25-27).

We could have no better mentor in this process 
than the Risen Christ Himself. In the presence of 
His awesome love as the Risen Christ He coaches 
us to be zealous to repent: "As many as I love, I 
rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent." (Revelation 3:19)

Under His Blood and under His name He helps us 
uncover places in our hearts blocked by betrayal 
and pain, generational curses, vows made in the 
past, or unforgiveness. He helps us uncover every 
stronghold blocking us from manifesting the 
fullness of His Holy Spirit miraculously given to 
each of us upon becoming a Believer in Him. He 
then helps us stand to rebuild the walls of 
righteousness that have guarded our land. Hallelujah!

The individual and national repentance prayer 
points below are offered to encourage you to take 
the opportunity to repent with the Lord, to 
refocus your life upon Him, during this critical time.

Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Thursday, April 30

Individual repentance

Lord I repent of my apathy and cowardice. I have 
been too often afraid of what others may think of 
me more than I fear You. Oh lead me to the cross, 
I belong to You, rid me of my focus on myself.

National repentance

Lord I repent that we believers in You in the USA 
have not bent our knees to You as did our 
forefathers in earlier centuries during the 
previous 3 Great Awakenings. In apathy we have 
confirmed one man's observation that "The reason 
we don't have revival is because we are willing 
to live without it." The Church stood for You 
publicly in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and 
the fruit was a new nation conceived in both 
faith and liberty, the abolition of slavery, and 
a new character based on sharing what we have 
with those who do not, and authentic racial 
reconciliation coupled with authentic respect for 
the other person. I repent that we rarely stand publicly for You today.

Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Friday, May 1

Individual repentance

Lord I repent of my idolatry. I too often have 
replaced You with other false gods of this world. 
(Colossians 3:5, Ephesians 5:5)

National repentance

Lord I repent that we Believers in You in the USA 
have allowed ground to the enemy's false 
teachings and failed to object when Your Word was 
almost entirely removed from our children. The 
Bible is no longer in our schools and less and 
less in our homes. As a result the tree with Your 
Godly roots has dead branches and is filled with 
rot. Forgive us, in Jesus' Name, for allowing 
this nation to take on false idols and the false spirit of the world.

Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Saturday, May 2

Individual repentance

Lord I repent that although You have kept Your 
pledge to keep Your covenant with me, I have not 
sought or have too often disregarded my part of 
this eternally-precious Blood-bought covenant. I 
have not fully aligned my will with Yours. I have 
broken my covenant with You. Forgive me, Lord. 
You don't want insincere offerings but a broken and contrite spirit in me.

National repentance

Lord I repent that we Believers in You in the USA 
have broken our covenant with You to be a Godly 
nation, a light of Your Liberty to others, a city 
on a hill. Forgive us for not standing with the 
apple of Your eye, Israel. Forgive us for 
trusting in Babylon's thinking. Oh for a national 
leader today who would echo John Hancock's 
statement at the signing of the Declaration of 
Independence: "Let us humbly commit our righteous 
cause to the great Lord of the Universe... Let us 
joyfully leave our concerns in the hand of Him 
who raises up and puts down the empires and 
kingdoms of the earth as He pleases." Forgive us, 
Lord, for allowing this nation to look to the 
secular thinking of men and women and not to You and Your Word.

Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Sunday, May 3

Individual repentance

Lord I repent of any sexual sins which have 
distanced me from You. Forgive me for not walking 
more in the Spirit so as to remove the lust of 
the flesh. Forgive me for not taking seriously 
and telling others about Your instruction twice 
in Revelation 21:27 and 22:15 that the sexually 
immoral­by Your standards not today's politically 
correct ones­will not enter Your New Jerusalem.

National repentance

Lord I repent that we Believers in You in the USA 
have drunk from the spiritually poisonous waters 
of sexual immorality, the well of the enemy. We 
now rarely seek in our culture Your pure water of 
Life. Our national media too often support sexual 
immorality, and we rarely speak up; many watch it 
instead of spending time with You. Pornography is 
rampant and is found among Believers in You. And 
at the house of God­where judgment begins­several 
Christian denominations now support same sex 
marriage despite Your exact Words to the 
contrary. You said, Lord Jesus, "from the 
beginning of the creation God made them male and 
female. For this reason a man shall leave his 
father and mother and be joined to his wife, and 
the two shall become one flesh, so then they are 
no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God 
has joined together, let not man separate." Mark 
10: 6-9. Oh forgive us, Lord, that we fail to 
spread the Truth that every day Your Holy Spirit 
delivers people from same sex attractions, from 
worshiping themselves instead of You. Let us no 
longer sanctify a spirit of perversion but 
instead lovingly support Your liberation from 
that spirit. May God prevail; may our Supreme 
Court now stand for the sacred union of Biblical marriage.

Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Monday, May 4

Individual repentance

Lord I repent of my apathy, if not participation, 
in the shedding of innocent blood. Forgive me for 
failing to intercede when I could have saved a 
baby in the womb, each one Your child, eternally 
precious to You. Forgive me for failing to team 
up with other pro-life ministries and legislators 
to bring about a culture of Life in this nation.

National repentance

Lord I repent that we Believers in You in the USA 
have shed innocent blood by our national taxpayer 
support of abortion and other policies by which 
innocent blood is shed. We repent for laws 
allowing non-physicians to perform abortions. We 
repent for laws permitting abortions even when we 
know the baby experiences pain. We repent for our 
laws permitting death by assisted suicide because 
of some "emergency." Forgive us for not 
countering the lies of the spirit of death with 
Your Truth that You are the giver of Life and You 
are a miracle healer, even raising people from the grave.

Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Tuesday, May 5

Individual repentance

Lord I repent of my luke-warmness, my lethargy in 
picking up my cross to follow You. Forgive me for 
failing often to seek Your Godly plan for my 
life. Forgive me for being a coward. Forgive me 
for holding on to my sin patterns, my hurts, my 
vows inconsistent with who You are, my 
strongholds, instead of being zealous to follow You.

National repentance

Lord I repent that we Believers in You in the USA 
in Your Church have been complacent about the 
state of Your Church and our nation. Many 
shepherds have hidden in fear from the public 
instead of being bold for Christ. Half of those 
calling themselves Christians don't even vote, 
let alone run for public office. Forgive us for 
not depending upon You, Lord, and publicly 
announcing your Goodness. When there have been 
disasters, key signs from You to return to You, 
forgive us for our pride, our arrogance to 
support the rebuilding when there has been no 
reflection, no repentance, no refocusing on You. 
(2 Chronicles 7:13-15; Isaiah 9: 10-11).

Suggested Repentance Prayer Points Wednesday, May 6

Personal repentance

Lord I repent that I'm not awake spiritually as 
were Your Believers at Pentecost. Give me Your 
courage to come out from the apostasy all around 
me. In these globally tumultuous times I need 
Your Divine assistance. I need to hear Your 
voice. Forgive me for not listening to You. I 
know You are standing at the door of my heart to 
mentor me to clean up my soul to be more like 
You. Forgive me for not letting You in. Make me 
part of a new Pentecost so that I can be fully 
filled with Your Holy Spirit to advance Your Kingdom.

National repentance

Lord I repent that we Believers in You in the USA 
have often chosen legalism over the Spirit of 
Jesus. We have placed creeds over Christ. We have 
been divided as Your Body. We are too often 
offended with each other and have too often 
avoided leadership positions in the nation where 
we could preach You to our people and produce 
Godly policies. In a dying culture we have rarely 
been the salt and light You called us to be. 
Lord, in this place of desperation as a nation, 
seeing Your Light dim rapidly, we cry out for You 
to awaken us, to make in us a new Pentecost. I 
know there can't be revival without repentance, 
Lord. Restore our Divine destiny. May there now 
be an avalanche of repentance among Believers in this nation, starting with me.

Thanks much.

Many Blessings,

Pat Ferguson
"I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13.

Thanks much.

Many Blessings,

Pat Ferguson
"I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13.