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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Dec 2003 12:38:40 -0500
text/plain (46 lines)
Hey, Matt

The thing is that if all religions are okay, then none of them is true.
There is such a thing as Ultimate Truth, and the Bible is clear that
Judaism, fulfilled in JESUS through Christianity, is that one religion
(Judaism is really unripened Christianity, like a fruit tree that hasn't
borne fruit yet).  There are so many references that others may know off
their head but phrases like "Hear, O Israel, the LORD your GOD is One.", and
"GOD is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in
Truth."  There is only one, true GOD, and He is Ultimate Truth.  JESUS said
"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except
through Me."

For parents to tell their children that all religions are the same, it is
like telling them it doesn't matter what they drink with breakfast, orange
juice or Drain-O.  Any other belief in any other god than the truth faith of
JESUS is death, spiritual death, forever.  Period.

Now folks usually say "Oh, but what about that good-hearted Buddhist that
lives on the far side of the Himalayas?"  "Or what about that nice little
Hindu or Moslem or Turnip Worshipper?"  The fact is that, as JESUS said, the
wonder isn't that people die tragically, but that GOD spares anyone.  We
don't know the backgrounds of other people whom we assume are good.  Only
GOD does.  And if they are truly seeking Him, they will find Him if they
seek Him with all their hearts.  He will lead them, step by step, by
revelation or by circumstance or by something they read or hear or see or
some experience that JESUS is the One and Only way to Life.

Do I understand all the implications of this?  Nope.  Nobody does.  But as
Billy Graham of all people said, he had to make a decision at a turning
point of his life as a very young man.  He told GOD "I can't understand so
much of the Bible.  And there are some things I just have doubts about.  But
I am going to accept it as is, even the parts I don't understand, because
JESUS says it's true."  With that, he chose to believe in the Bible as it
is, entirely, even though he couldn't understand all of it completely.  If
anyone has doubts about the Bible they really need to read Josh McDowell's
books such as "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" which confronts most
arguments against Christianity and explains them away.

I don't believe anyone can be forced to believe.  GOD continually gave
people choices and said "Choose this day whom you will serve."  But those
who say to themselves or their children that they're all the same are wrong.
Dead wrong.
