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Sat, 21 Aug 2021 19:56:08 -0400
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Am I the only one who is not very happy with acb for discontinuing the 
acb radio tunner?  I am very disapointed with acb it's not just that 
they did this but it's way that they did it.  It's the way that they 
notified acb about it they told us about on the round table I did not 
that there was a round table. Do the majority of acb members even know 
about the round table? We way that I found about it was that I tried to 
use the tunner on my pc windows 10 nvda and winamp and none of the 
streams would play.  I tried reinstalling the tunner and got the same 
results as before.  Now I haveno way to listen to acb radio streams on 
my pc because when I go tothe new acb media site and go to the streams 
there is no play button.  If I go to the link to listen with winamp it's 
just a page but there is no play button.  I don't like the site one bit 
it's a very big down grade.  No more quickly being able to brouse all 10 
acb radio streams it's much than it was before we had the tunner.  The 
tunner was the best thing that acb has ever done and now it's gone.  
There was no reason to make a new site but acb just doeswhat they want 
with no conciteration for what their members want.  It's the same old 
story it's what they think that people want and not what we the members 
want. They are just not for the people.  They could have given us a 
heads up by putting a notice on the major acb email lists but they chose 
not to do so.  They put it whear people would not think to look if they 
even knew about it.  They just don't use their brains.  If I had known 
about 4 months agao then I would not have been shocked about it.  When 
they make a major change it would be nice if acb would learn to show 
some common curtacy.  Common sinse is just not so common.  Why did they 
not ask for input from the membership about what changes if any that 
they wanted to see with acb media?  There was no survey they just did 
what they did.  It was not done in the proper way very unperfessional on 
their part. If this is the way that acb is going to operate then I am 
not sure how much longer I will remain a member of acb.  If any of you 
are to successfully listen to the acb radio streams with winamp then 
please let me know how you do it.  Thanks inadvance for any help that 
you may provide me.  acb or will I be thats the question.

Brian Sackrider

member of the Port Huron acb chapter for now

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