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Fri, 16 Feb 2018 05:46:08 -0800
text/plain (50 lines)
Weirdly, that screen wasn't working. When I was on the dialog where you 
can choose which application opens the file type, I could arrow to and 
press enter on Notepad or Wordpad, but nothing would happen. The 
computer kept thinking KNFB Reader was the way to go. Today things are 
working properly. Who knew?

On 2/15/2018 8:00 PM, Guerra Access Technology Training LLC wrote:
> On that screen that shows the apps that you can use to open the .txt file, I am sure there is a "More apps" button which should open all the possibilities.
> Try that and locate Notepad, and tab once and a check box should be their to always use that file to open .txt files.
> See if that works.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Ana G
> Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2018 9:57 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: [VICUG-L] TXT as KNFB File?
> Hi All,
> When I was on my phone, I sent myself a txt file as an email attachment.
> Later, while on my Windows 10 computer, I tried to open the file. I use thunderbird, so I hit alt+M followed by  h, then right-arrowed once, and pressed enter on Open.
> At this point Windows should ask me which app I want to use to open the file, suggesting whatever is set as the default. I can press enter if I want that program, or I can choose a different one from the dropdown.
> What's happening is that Windows thinks this file should be opened with KNFB Reader and doesn't let me choose Notepad or Wordpad from the dropdown. I've gong into the Default programs dialog, and I notice that in Open By File Type, Notepad is set to open txt files. I changed it to Wordpad just in case. But when I try opening the attachment again, Windows keeps thinking it's a KNFB Reader file.
> Why is KNF Reader stepping in, and how do I make it mind its own business?
> Thanks for any wisdom.
> Ciao
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