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Cathy Brown <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 14:08:21 -0600
text/plain (37 lines)
Just before Thanksgiving I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I steadily
gained over 100 pounds in one year.  It wasn't until my thyroid test
came "slightly abnormal" that I was diagnosed and placed on Synthroid.
I recently had the dose increased to 50mg per day.  I still experience
the symptoms which I believe relate to Wilsons Thyroid Syndrome
(practically all of the symptoms - excluding maybe 5).  My question is
this.does Synthroid relieve the Wilsons symptoms?    I am so full of
questions and eagerness to learn how to deal with the health problems.

Any help or support anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated.   I
do not have an endocrinologist and believe that I need to consult with
one but I want to have more "ammunition" before I do.

Cathy Brown


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