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Sun, 2 Apr 2017 22:22:43 -0700
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi All,

This isn't as off-topic as it sounds.

I'm in the process of buying a home. It has an alarm system. I've never 
lived in a home with an alarm system, so I'm wondering what to expect in 
terms of accessibility. If anyone here has any experience, please share.

* A sighted friend who has one says her alarm panel is a display, not a 
keypad with physical buttons. Are the physical keypads no longer 
available, or is it a matter of user choice?

* My friend also says she has the option of using a smart phone app to 
check her camera feed and do other things. She hasn't bothered so she 
doesn't know what's available through the app. How accessible are these 
apps, and can they be used to arm and disarm the system?

* Do I need to do certain things on a website, which may or may not be 

* What is the process for changing the security code, and is it 
generally blind friendly?

  * What other possible accessibility concerns should I be aware of?For 
example, do I need to wait for a light to flash (i.e., count to 5) 
before I do X?

Thanks for any help.


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